Trying to learn new tricks

I am trying to learn new tricks but i need advice on what to learn next. This topic is dedicated to it’s entirety to people suggesting and sending me trick names or tutorial links so that i can improve my yoyo skills. In addition some of the more advanced tricks i can land are most of the tricks that lucas decker has made tutorials on 2.0 hook many tricks yoyojoe has taught. Basically i now many elements i am just trying to get into more challenging,complex and competitive help. If anyone replies their suggestion i would be glad. Thank you all :slightly_smiling_face:


Nice! Yoyojoe has some really hard tricks on his channel. Very good channel for hard meta tricks. Junyi Lin is my favorite channel for hard and intermediate tricks. Someone else told this to me but I think it holds true, At a certain point, tricks don’t really get harder they just get different and longer. If you want something specific from this channel the polo slack rejection combo is super freaking sick. Good luck!

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Thank you so much for the help i am very happy that you actually responded to my topic i will make sure to check this youtube channel and the other trick you suggested. Again i am so thankful!!!

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No problem yo! I’m stoked to talk about hard tricks and there are a few other channels I can share if you want more options also. I will say that most of the channels doing tutorials for harder tricks don’t have talking, it’s usually just lots of slow mo of the trick from different angles.

Here is one more with some really cool and advanced tricks.

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WoW thank you. I haven’t really learned anything from a tutorial with no talking bu i guess trying new stuff will help. I want to ask you something. How long have you been yoyoing for. I have never spoke to someone who yoyos so i am so hyped

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I started like 9 months ago ish but I play a lot of Yoyo and I have no real reference for how fast people usually level up their skills but I kinda think I went pretty fast like I don’t think that most people yoyoing ever get to landing 2.0 hooks (my highest hook also) it this might not be true idk. The most advanced people I’ve seen and talked to don’t really watch tutorials any more and stay just learning tricks off of freestyles or make them up. I’m definitely still just learning lots of tutorials and expanding my yocabulary. What about you?

Edit: also learning without voice gets easier the more you do it just focus on finger position, string configurations and the Yoyo. Also YouTube paused and use the comma and period to advance frame by frame really helps slow it down


This month marks my second year of yoyoing. I don’t really do that well as far sa yoyoing is concerned because i have a lot of studying to do for example i have to go to school fo 7 hours every day then study for at least 3 hours and then have after-school classes such as maths and physics as in my country if you dont have private lessons it’s very hard to get into a university. Therefore i only have about an hour to practice every week. Also this is about to get harder as this year school will be 35 hours and private lessons like 15 hours so thats why i am so left behind compared to others as far as yoyoing is concerned. I hope when i get into a university i have more spare time for yoyoing.
Also thank you for all your amazing tips

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You’re welcome! You should be stoked about where you are like your skills sound like you progressed further than a lot of people go ever. I work from home and have no kids so I have a lot of time to yoyo. Time playing also doesn’t say all that much either because we all have such different amounts of hours a week to commit to it and I prolly just have more hours a week that I’m able to play. As long as you’re enjoying it that’s sick! Anyone can enjoy yoyo’s however they want also and that’s sick like it’s not all about progressing skills and learning tricks but that’s a lot of what I like so I get excited when other people are really interested in that aspect. Some people can be happy just chilling and doing the same combos over and over and that’s sick too! I just like yoyos and yoyoing and think it’s cool we all share a passion for such a silly spinning toy lol! Have fun!

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Thank you so much your words really help my put yoyoing into a whole another perspective. Thank you so much for the motivation and for all the advice. You are awesome :hugs: