Trouble with whip to 1.5 mount

I am having trouble with the trick, I don’t know how far the yoyo has to travel, but I can do the whip, but the most hardest part for me is landing the 1.5.

Any tips?

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This is the tutorial that helped me the most. That trick is funky and there is no way to do it without just trying a bunch of times. Getting the overhand plastic whip first is a good stepping stone to figuring out this trick. good luck!


I learned the trick from this tutorial but it took me a little while to figure out on which string the yoyo lands on, I learned the a whip at first but figuring where the yoyo will land took a while.Just practise It until you get it​:ocean::ocean:

the POV actually helps probably


this is a tutorial I made a while ago. It doesnt have pov or anything but I think I break down the trick quite well, hope it helps


This is a super good tutorial and I like all the steps :fire:
Do you think it’s easier off the pin wheel? or easier to learn that way?

its easier with some pinwheels imo, helps u get the timing right.


Cool I learned not off the pinwheel just curious thanks but pinwheel feels better now

Thanks for the videos. I’ve been having trouble with these too. I keep smashing my hand into the yoyo. haha.

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Been practicing. Kinda got it. Consistency is getting better. Every-time I land it I have to stare at it for a few seconds to make sure I did it correctly. :joy:

Thank you so much for sharing this. I’ve wanted to learn this for a year. And the tutorial from the site that shall not be named was not helping me at all. But with this one i got or inn two days and it’s already starting to get semi consistent.

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No problem! Congrats to you and @Joe77 this is a sick trick and funky and I’m glad y’all are stoked!

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