trinity vs H3X vs phenom

Then I’ve done my job right!

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I was wondering if the H3X can do side spinning ??? :wink:


Absolutely. The inside part of the outer rims has a flat spot in the middle for the finger spins. It is laser etched, so it gives you a textured surface to help the grinds.

Part of the design of the H3X was to bring the DM/DM2/Trinity shape into modern play. You can tell via various design elements that horizontal play was a very influential factor in this yoyo’s design, at least that’s my impression of it.

Is it true that the phenom has real gold plated on it ??? ??? ???

It depends on the Phenom.

This one does:
The weight ring is brass, and it’s gold plated. A little bit of gold can go a LONG ways. I do not think the gap has any real gold in it.

This Phenom is NOT:
This particular model, as do many Phenoms, do not have any gold highlights.

The Nickel/gold is heavier than the black/nickel. Check the weights before you buy, because I think the black/nickel is the lightest, the nickel/gold is the heaviest, and everything else is “standard” for the Phenom.

cool :smiley:

Is the H3X more responsive than the PHENOM becuse I like very unrisponsive yoyos ???


They’re about the same, maybe a bit less responsive on the H3X. If it bothers you enough, just throw a breakaway. I don’t, even though backspin bothers me sometimes. :stuck_out_tongue:

How unresponsive do you want them?

The Phenom ships with a KK bearing, or at least both of mine did. I don’t know if they still do that, but I suspect they do. The string centering bearing keeps the string away from the response system.

The H3X shipped with a flat YYJ Speed bearing. While this bearing played great for me, I got a Terrapin X wing cut ceramic 10Ball bearing in there and I feel that played a bit better for me. But, if I wanted to address the responsiveness issue of the yoyo, I had no issue with how this yoyo performed and it was dead unresponsive with either bearing.

Really, unless there is something wrong with the bearing or response or some other defect or issue, most yoyos sold these days as unresponsive out of the box are very unresponsive. I will admit a few yoyos needed their bearings cleaned to achieve the performance I wanted/desired, but this isn’t a big deal for me.

Thank you I was just wondering :wink:

what is the phenom compared to the meteor or phenomizm ???

phenom is a full metal phenomizm
It’ll ultimately play better due to smoothness

The meteor is outdated and I wouldn’t recommend it

so the phenom is better than the meteor or phenomizm :slight_smile:

I say whatever you do don’t get trinity stick with the other 2

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OK. the H3X and the Phenom both sound great

I think that’d be most people’s preference. Stick to one of the other two.

Is the phenomizm all metal ???

No. The weight ring is metal and the Solid Spin axle is metal. The rest is plastic.