Tricks Like These...

I enjoy tricks where you pinch the string to create a loop and the “hook” the yoyo or finger with the loop. Tricks like Ebinaller’s (not sure if thats right, sorry) cheez-it trick and the moving triangle trick. Stuff like that. Does anyone know where I can learn more stuff like that? Because im having a horrible time coming up with stuff.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Yes, steven’s trick (not mine) ;D cheese nips is a reat start. I dont really do slack tricks much but have good string tension

Those are called slack tricks and this video has some:

You can also search YouTube for more slack tricks.

Here are more slack tricks from youtube:

Lol Cheese Nips is my trick. I’m glad you like it. :wink:


Wow, thanks guys. And I enjoy Cheese Nips as well :smiley:

I didn’t know that many people liked my trick.

I would love to see a video of you doing it.
