what trick has stumped you lately? learning or cleaning up, doesnt matter.
for me it’s been kwyjibo. it is by far the trick with the lowest time known : consistency ratio. itd be better if my consistency just sucked in one element, but its alwats random what part ill miss. its totally not driving me slightly bananas
My beefhook has gotten better…but half the time I don’t understand why it isn’t actually landing. I’ve accepted that it’ll be like this for the coming…idunno…2+ years or so.
Oh I have a tip for that trick!
Beef hook is a stupid trick, avoid it, that’s how I came to terms with it.
My personal El Guapo right now is spin top orbits.
Anything involving whipping a loop of slack. I can have completely neutral string tension when I start the trick, and then its all twisted by the time I get to the slack part.
I started trying to get Beef Hook too and I have yet to hit it. Maybe one day…
A couple tricks that I’ve known for years but can still not hit consistently are Supercharger (the whip at the end) and Wax On Wax Off. Mostly because I’m lazy though and just end up doing tricks I’m good at whenever I play.
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(the world is a beautiful cat and i must meow meow meow)
at this point, if you examine the mount carefully you should see that dropping your TH index will just drop the yoyo and unravel everything, like this:
at this point, you’re popping up the yoyo, and using that slack with your NTH index to whip the string around once, and then again into a ninja vanish, tried to break it down into the steps in a video:
Seeing all the beef hook comments makes me feel good because thats also been my bane. One day Ill land it over and over, the next cant land it a single time no idea why its like that but oh well lol
Boing E Boing has got me going a little crazy. I can get it perfect some days and other days I can’t get it at all. I thought I was getting it down but it just depends on the day I guess. Still a part of my daily trick exercises.
I finally started participating on the Skills Addict app and I must say, it’s been a huge help and a great community of people to help out. I hated that you have to post a video of you completing a trick to unlock other tricks but it’s a huge, huge help to watch myself throw. I’ve improved a lot since using it and I’ve only been truly using the app for about 2 weeks now. I highly encourage others no matter what skill level you’re at to try it out. Even if you don’t use the app, record yourself doing tricks and analyze it.
I remember those issues… now my boings are awesome! Keep it up once u get it you will feel it and it all comes together out of nowhere. That’s what happened to me,., random day it came all together… same with magic drop and so many other tricks
I am super new… but i am struggling with double or nothing. I can hit it like 75% of the time, but it needs to be 100%. The next trick on the list is cold fusion so I’ve got to get this down first
Edit: Something just clicked and i can hit double or nothing and 1.5 every time now! Wooo!