Trick got ya stumped?

2.5 hook :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull:


I JUST got it down.

Send me a video and I’ll help!



don’t believe it! you definitely don’t have to have anything at 100% to learn something else, even something that incorporates it. in fact, sometimes the best way to learn consistency with a mount or element is to practice it within a trick or combo, at least it’s proven to be so for me in my limited experience.

also, i wouldn’t look at trick lists as linear progressions. they’re loosly grouped by difficulty level, but aren’t really designed to learn one trick, then the next, and so on. really just pick a trick or element that looks interesting and work on it. when you feel like trying something new, go for it. it’s really pretty freeform like that. feel free to ask for tips if you get stuck. there are amazingly helpful ppl here! happy throwing!


I agree with this 100%. I actually have a combo that I continuously add tricks into that Im trying to dial in. Over time they become more and more consistent. Also Ive skipped many times through different trick playlist. I highly recommend using multiple sources as well. Someone else may explain something in a way that clicks for you


3.0 hook. I can hit it and have done so many times, just not even close to consistent.


Th simply goes up and down. It’s super ez to not do that though and add extra movements. I learned it by using an imaginary Yoyo and doing the trick, like shaking ketchup out of a glass bottle, then just make sure you’re doing the same thing. It sounds stupid but it worked for me idk


If something’s too hard for me and I can’t get it, I just shelve it and return later.


same! and my time with my panorama must be paying off because lately I’ve found some extra spin time in that combo so I’ve been able to add a couple more elements :muscle:


Can’t seem to get Electric Triangle down consistently. And every time I mess up something hits my knuckles or I get the same green triangle knot and have to unscrew my yoyo.


For me it’s getting into the rhythm of it, I’ve always had poor rhythm. Like last night, I was doing it just fine again but today, I’m having issues getting in the rhythm down again. I think I’m just at the precipice, that frustrating stage of being able to get it enough to think I’ve actually got it but not enough to hit it consistently. I’m close though… I think.


yo find some toothpicks or something to get out axle knots and you’ll be happy you did


second the knot pick. far less annoying, especially while working on knotty tricks


Thank you for the advice again! I’ve got cold fusion down now. I’m unstoppable!


I got beef hook down recently after avoiding it for almost 2 years. This trick here though drives me insane. It just doesn’t make sense to me even after having my friend Tesla help me in person. I don’t know it’s proper name it’s like a rejection hook or something.

Also Brent Stole to Hidemasa Hook has been frustrating. I can get it sometimes but alot of times I think maybe I’m not popping it out enough and end up with an axle knot.

Also that awkward roll during the final part of that trick called the turtle trick. :sweat_smile:


started learning this today, still breaking it down


3a breaks my brain


This one is just tension hook that he catches cross armed.

Here is a tutorial on this element with some different angles.

With lacerations combos it is usually easier to do a reverse whip after a regular one. I.E. brentstole to reverse brentstole.


Thanks I’ll check it out was watching mr.matios version after I posted that and am again right now. Still no luck. Gonna watch the one you shared now.

Just watched that video. Between Matios and that one I think I have a better perspective on what I need to do. Hope I can get it, this trick has been the most frustrating I’ve come across in awhile. Thanks again.

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Also, a similar element was covered in TaW week #27


Metempsychosis by Tsukasa Takatsu
I can do all the elements I need to get it down smooth

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