I can’t get the link but it on of yo-yo joes trix
upside down bouncy triangle. also by yoyojoe
I’ve been working on a one handed static kwyjibo for a bit, gotta get my fingers looser
oh thats a hard one I’ve working on it for a while but only landed it once
Monkey Madness… can’t seem to get the last hop correct.
not learning anything currently im just trying to perfect my own tricks right now
Arata Imai yoyo trick also yoyojoe
awesome trick
ill try that trick looks intresting
boingy boing. i can do spirit bomb and fingerspins easily, but not boingy boing.
help me…
To me, it is all about your throw hand doing the right up and down motion. When the yoyo bounces on one string your hand goes down and when you go to the next string move your hand up and down again
Definitely one of those tricks where you fail miserably for a while, then it clicks out of nowhere.
I couldn’t agree more with @ANGVS’s comment that it just clicks out of nowhere. I’d pull up on the string and the yoyo was going sideways and turning…all the wrong places. Then one day I tried the trick and worked perfect. I briefly analyzed what I did differently. All I can say is don’t tug up too hard and when moving your hand up make sure it stays straight and in line with the string. I determined my troubles were because when pulling up I also drifted my hand to the right…off plane.
It usually happens like that. When you practice something for a while and not really get anywhere, and you take a break and go back to it later, it usually just clicks and you can do it good. It has something to do with your brain needing time to process the amount of practicing you have been doing. Sometimes an hour of a break is more productive than an hour more of practice. You also feel more refreshed after a break too which helps you perform better. I’m a psychologist that is why I know this
Currently learning a zach gormley slack trick, and I just learned iori yamakis speed combo both from mrmatio
like @Legit_yoyostrings and @Yo-yoislife not learning anything @ the moment, just practicing for scales
a tension slack?
this might be true
I’m a bit stuck on that one arm trick could I get some help