Trick Blocks

I have been trying my best to create my own tech tricks all the time, but i cant seem to find any new elements or mounts recently. My trick creativity just vanished. I tried to explore arm tricks, nothing. I tried to learn new elements, i couldn’t. How do i escape and avoid these?




Chill out, watch your favorite players and some old school players until you’re inspired, and let it come naturally.


Same here. I’ve learned a considerable number of combos/tricks from players but when I try to create one myself I just don’t come up with anything xD


Start with a combo you already know well, then once you get into a mount try something different. Swing left instead of right, undercut a string, pop the yo-yo out in a different direction, etc. See what the different little moves can open up, you might find a new string to land on or a new way into/out of a familiar mount.


For me I do wacky stuff and then go from there

Put the jojo down for a little bit until you catch a gust of inspiration - perhaps practice a different style of yoyo until you crave 1A again, variety is the spice of life !

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Lol I doubt that would help very much if my experience is any indication.

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I don’t really go through this like I used to.
I think while I never consciously found ways to fight it, I just pay attention to things my friends/favorite players are throwing down. Then, without trying to learn specifics of what they’re doing, I try to hit my own impressionistic take on the tricks I like. A lot of times that will take me into a direction worth exploring. I end up regurgitating a weird mash of my own take on their ideas, but because it’s not built on this mount or that whip, and because it often pushes me to an altogether different idea, it doesn’t feel derivative (to me).