So I was digging through my old yoyos this morning and found my old pair of yomega fireballs from the late 90s. So I had to do the only thing one can do when presented with a yoyo, toss a string on and let them fly. On my first throw I realized something was amiss as my purple fireball sat at the end of the string refusing to return until it eventually spun out. I had forgotten the golden rule of double looping the transaxle! Does anyone know why this is required?
To your question, no sorry I don’t.
If you you have a purple fireball that thing is worth Money
Should have purple caps, clear rims, and say Fall River Mass.
Those transaxles don’t spin as freely as a bearing. You actually want the string to “grip” the axle. A single wrap may cause axle to spin inside of the loop on the string, like a fixed axle that’s sleeping. The double loop holds onto the axle and lets the string wind up the yoyo.
Also lube them. Just a drop on the axle itself. It helps the response a lot.