
I woke up this morning with an unbearable pain in my neck.It is bad to the point I can only tilt my head in one direction without having a sharp pain in my neck.I searched online ,and I guess what I have is known as torticollis.You get it if you slept wrong and it lasts for 2-3 days if treated… I really hate living right now. :’(
Feel free to give me advice.Anything would help.

I hope you feel better, that just sounds like it sucks, your probably REALLY board!

I had that in Vegas, it was due to work stress and lack of proper sleep. Couldn’t keep my head straight, I was stuck looking to the right side. I had go to the emergency room and get a shot in the neck. (ouch!)

It did help and it eventually went away, but my neck was sore for a few weeks after. My case might have been worse than yours though.

Good luck! Consider seeing a doctor if it’s serious.

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I can move it ,but it hurts when I move.I can still do things ,but my head is leaning to the left.I might go see med express for it later.For now ,I’m taking some pain relievers ,and my mom has this comfortable ,messaging snake-shaped pillow to wear around my neck.Thanks guys!

I’ve had this a few times. I never got any medical attention, I just let it go away on it’s own. Usually, it lasted about a week for me. It’s absolutely terrible, I don’t know if I’ve ever had such a debilitating injury.

It is certainly debilitating. I had to walk out of the Vegas hotel looking to one side and hail a cab. Had to turn my whole body to talk to people. It was kinda ridiculous.

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The website said it would last up to seven days if left untreated.I really hate it. :confused:

I have had lots of neck problems. I go to chiropractors to get it fixed up. Muscle relaxers also work. A combo works best.
I take an over the counter pain med like Acetaminophen, and a hot shower which normaly helps.

But in the long run it’s way ahead of the alternative.

True ,true…

I’ve never had neck pain bad as you, but a heating pad usually helps to soothe it some.

0_0 I usually just have it for a day and it goes away after a good night’s rest.