TopYo - REALITY new release and TIME JACKER new colors!


The latest bi-metal release from TopYo is a collaboration with Chinese yoyo company July YoYo - The REALITY!

TopYo originally designed this model as a limited release for July, but both companies were so impressed by the performance that they decided to make it a full on collaborative release. The Reality offers some serious power without feeling too heavy on the string. It has an agile play style with a comfortable feel in the hand that will quickly make it’s way into your daily rotation!

The Reality is a top notch performer with a beautiful aesthetic, and at this price it’s sure to be a crowd favorite!


Signature bi-metal for Su Jia Peng - The Time Jacker is an extra wide yoyo optimized for 5A & 1A with a focus on power and agility. It has a lighter feel on the string, weighing in at 64g, but still offers plenty of stability and spin power even at lower RPMs. The wide V-shape profile lends itself nicely to speed play with easy acceleration and excellent response to direction change. It also provides a nice wide catch zone for those riskier elements.


The Cloud focuses on feel and performance. The Pom body has a super soft feel in the hand that is matched perfectly by it’s smooth feel on the string, just like throwing a cloud! It features a rounded profile with thick rims that gives it a forgiving feel on the catch and enough power in play to compete with your favorite plastic designs.


@YoYoExpertGarrett is the Reality similar to the Exit8?

Ring placement is similar, but that’s about it. The Exit 8 has a sharper profile and a more compact size. I would say the Exit 8 has a faster more agile feel whereas the Reality has more power and stability.


I own the time.jacker its my fav from the company awesome stable fast throw