
i need some options for yoyos 30$ or less. dont give me the prefrences thing though

i use to think the same thing why would you need the whole preference thing? but really you do are you good beginner can you bind what size shape yoyo do you like because what if we were to recommended to you a yoyo you didnt like? because of shape and what not

anyway if i had that much money to spend i would get a yoyojam legacy ;D

It’s like telling someone to get you something but not telling them what you like, they could get a barbie for you or a pair of used socks. I would get a Legacy or PGM.

Yup, can’t go wrong with any of the YYF Plastics…Or a Lyn Fury or Legacy. They’re all amazing yo-yos that play great for a low price.

But don’t just go out and spend $30 on yo-yos just for the heck of it. Maybe wait and save a little more and get something that you know you’ll really like.

Save up $4 more and get the ProtoStar

Or you sould watch the BST for something else.

im a good yoyoer on a budget. this money is tooth fairy money from teeth i lost last year and 2 teeth this month. just list some please. and i dont get yoyos off the internet. i get them from the ■■■■■■■■ shop. and i had a legacy that my friend broke

PGM or Protostar.

I could not agree more!

But there is also the Counter Attack. That yoyo is pretty cool! 8)

p.s. This should probalbly be in the yoyo recomendations section of the forum. :wink:


I would keep saving up my money to get a DM or a New Breed or a yoyo like thoughs