Top Free Agents

Nehemiah Peterson
Aaron Bendich
Ryan Perez (not sure if sponsored)

Canny. x1000.

Thanks for all the props guys!

The fact that Nick DeValpine has not been given a single mention is incredibly disconcerting.

Heā€™s on the company ā€œtimelessā€

Jensen is on Timeless? Naw lol

Are you talking about me? Iā€™m not on timeless either lmao.

Stephen Fuentes
Chandler Steele
David Kane
Mike ferdico
Adam Schultz
Darnell Hairston
Alex Gallimore
Colin beckford

Ayoo thanks for the mentions, guys!

Alexis JV
Coleman Weimer
Mike Ferdico
Patrick Canny
Adam Schultz (He might be on TenYoYoā€¦ Not sure.)
Alex Gallimore
Danny Severance (Even though he doesnā€™t actually want to be sponsored Iā€™m pretty sure, but whatever.)
Guy Wright
Vladimir Glazkov (Not sure if heā€™s sponsored or notā€¦ He might be on Crucial. I donā€™t know exactly though.)
Gavin Lent

Probably missing a good amount but those are the first ones that came to mind.

Guy Wright me (lol) Alexis JV. Those are just a few there are soooo many good players without a sponser.

Adam Schultz is on Tenyoyo haha

Michael Stecz
Isaiah Messer
Chandler Steele

Owen Gary now haha.


My favorite is Alex Gallimore, bonus points for being a lefty :wink:

Michael Ferdico
Josh Yee
Angelo Aguirre
Stephen Fuentes
Maayyyyybbeee me?
and lots of others Iā€™m too lazy to remember :3

I think josh is still sponsored madhouse

Itā€™s been a over a year now since MadHouse has released anything. I may be wrong but I think there on a hiatus.

I think Josh Yee left MadHouse after BAC 2013.
Also, Madhouse is on hiatus right now. Iā€™ve been super pleased with their Epic and Compulsion.

No not really. The people at Madhouse havenā€™t been replying ti Joshā€™s emails and theyā€™ve been inactive for quite some time. Josh quit Madhouse during BAC 2013, where King Yo Star offered him. At the same time, King Yo Star switched and the deal was no longer valid, so Josh is a free agent now.

Ok guys thank you for clearing that up. Thatā€™s kinda sad about madhouse being on hiatus. The Compulsion is a killer throw.

He quit? Whaaaat