Who are your top 5 favourite yo-yo players (they don’t have to be in order but you can if you want)
Mine are: 1. Andre Boulay
2.Ben Conde
3.Hiroyuki Suzuki
4.Miguel Correa
5.Shinji Saito
Who are your top 5 favourite yo-yo players (they don’t have to be in order but you can if you want)
Mine are: 1. Andre Boulay
2.Ben Conde
3.Hiroyuki Suzuki
4.Miguel Correa
5.Shinji Saito
Tomas Bubak
Ben Conde
Yuuki Spencer
Chris Chia
John Ando
Fit Paul Kerbel in there somewhere depending on my mood, though.
hmm that’s a tough one. but I’d have to say
1: Takahiro Iizuka
2: Guy Wright
3: Jensen Kimmitt
4: Andre Boulay
5: Ed Haponik
And depending on my mood, substitute Nate Sutter, Drew Tetz, and Augie Fash in there.
Lim Aik Hwee
John Ando
Augie Fash
Hank Freeman (his 3A is f-ing amazing)
Yuuki Spencer
and not in that particular order either
Sorry, I just realized that I may be spelling favourite wrong. I think it should be favorite (in America) but because I’m British, that’s how I spell it
Guy Wright
Jason Lee
Augie Fash
Takahiro Iizuka
Ryota Ogi
Ryota Ogi
Hiro Irifune
Junya Yamamoto
Sean Perez
Chen Jia Lin
Not in order.
Daniel Dietz
Zac Rubino
Ben Conde
Guy Wright
Aww man, running out of room!
Drew Tetz
Thats it. Except Rei Iwakura also pops up there from time to time.
Not in order.
Jensen Kimmit
Gentry Stein
Augie fash
Ben Conde
Paul Han
1.Ben Conde
2. Alex Lee
3.Gentry Stein
4.Takahiro Iizuka
5.Andre Boulay
one extra is brett grimes cause i learn alot from his videos
Augie - YYF
Andre - YYJ
Tomas - Duncan
Tyler - YYF
Ann - YYF
Brad Moss
Tanner Moss
Adam Brewster
Seth Peterson
Jack Ringca
Graeme Steller
Augie Fash
Paul Han
Paul Dang
Marcos Koh
1.jensen kimmitt(so much kinetic energy!)
2.john ando (brain melter)
3.gentry stein(mini jensen)
4.andre boulay(many thanks to his tutorials , wouldn’t be here without them)
5.luo yi chen(when he isn’t depressed and hectic, many thanks to him for what he’s done for the chinese yoyoing scence)
In no particular order
Andre Boulay
Andre Boulay
Andre Boulay
Andre Boulay
Andre Boulay
Note: I believe with all my heart that one day young yyf protégé Darnell Hairston will be great enough to be on most people’s top 5 list…