Top 5 Favorite Monometal Throws - 2024

I’ve been hyped on all the bi-metals & hybrids out there that I have been neglecting a lot of my mono-metal throws, that is until I bought the Heisenberg, which reminded me how awesome they can be, they are more stable and can usually get banged up a bit more that the bi/hybrids. So, as lame as all these favorite threads are (usually to those who have been here a long time, I’m sorry), I’m going to go ahead and start one myself. What are your top 5 favorite mono-metal throws in you rotation?

Mine are (in no order):

  1. iYoyo - Heisenberg
  2. DD - Emotion
  3. OD - Wyvern (this one is amazing actually, might be my all around favorite)
  4. C3 - Krown
  5. iYoyo - Hidra NXG

@VidTrent any monometal or just aluminum?

Yeah, let’s say any metal mono, doesn’t have to just be aluminum.

By the way… are you the yoyojoe with the YT channel? If so, I’ve just been binging your tutorials. lol

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  1. Luftverk - Fulvia Monometal
  2. G Squared - Banshee 18 AL7
  3. Canopy Collection - Canopy AL
  4. One Drop - Thorn
  5. SFxOD - SK

In order…at least for today…


You’re thinking of yoyojoe1

Also my favorites right now

Broken yoyos sumo
TP Positron
Hydrangea Magnolia
Hydrangea Haworthia
YYR Dazzler


Yup, just double checked, you are right, I missed the 1. That would have been a trip. I would have had an extra question for you.

Thanks for sharing, I’ve not heard of any of the ones you and @Fancy-0 listed (save the One Drop Thorn). I’ve got some researching to do.

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I’ve been playing these the most recently:

Mowl M
Static Co. Wave
RSO The End Part II
Mk1 x TRT Bathysphere
Markmont Project 2


I can’t get it down to 5 and I can’t put them in any order, but here’s my top monos. At least, the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

TRT Cenote
TRT Isthmus
TRT Bathysphere
Doc pop x RSO The end 2
Dream craft Asora
Static co Sudo
FTYY Project y
One drop x Static Co parlay
Static Co wave
Dressel designs oasis

Some people might say I listed the same Yoyo 10 times. To those people, I say, refine your tastes! :joy:


I love me a good mono metal. These are my go to throws:
1 UNPRLD Informal
2 YYR Syfo
3 One drop Reboot
4 One drop Free solo
5 CLYW Otter


This is a neat topic! I love seeing other peoples favorite monos.:grin:

Mine are:
SF cadence
G2 loadout
Yoyofriends sunbird
SF movement
Yoyo factory ND


Really want to try the SF Cadence some day.

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Yo… so many yoyo’s I haven’t even heard of. This good stuff! Bad for my budget but good nonetheless! :laughing:

Keep em coming! I’ll have a large wish list by the time this thread has been exhausted. I do feel like mon-metals get lost in the conversation with the focus mainly being on bi-metals & hybrids but this is just my impression in my first year of getting into yoyoing.

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I think I only have 4 monos at the moment that I’d place in my top top.

El TiO


In descending order of preference:

  1. Duncan - Crescendo
  2. TopYo - Null
  3. TopYo - Annihilation Mono
  4. R2FG - Halberd
  5. TopYo - Colossus VI Max
  1. Mowl Q
  2. Knot Creators West Coast
  3. OD Diorama
  4. Sense Next Journey
  5. RSO YWETi

how would yall compare the bathy to the pano

heck throw in asora and make it a 3 way comparison


The Bathysphere is pretty different because it’s a full-sized organic. I love the Panorama too, so if you’re looking for a similar feel - high wall, slim, and comfortable in the hand - I recommend the Static Co. Wave and Freshly Dirty VHS.


It’s really good. My favorite mono for sure.

Oh and I forgot the G2 mongoose! That would fit in there somewhere.:grin:


I’ve been jamming regularly with these 3 for the last month or so:

  1. Canopy AL
  2. Luftverk 000 mono
  3. Aufheben Sync

Honorable mention:

FD Cardboard Steamboat

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