Too Old to Get Back into Yoyoing

I’m 33 and still suck at it :slight_smile:

Not much more for me to add to this thread but thought I’d jump in. I picked up a Duncan Butterfly at 24 because I’d never learned how to throw a yoyo (I was a Pogs kid back in the early 90s and missed the concurrent yoyo boom).

At 25 I learned to bind on a Freehand Zero & bought an early Delrin throw, the Silk, before stopping for a girlfriend who found the hobby annoying.
It wasn’t until my now-wife and I started dating in 2012 that I picked the hobby back up when she found my old Silk in a box and asked me to show her a trick.

All of that to say I turn 34 this year and though I have no intention to ever compete I always have a throw on my person.
I always have a way to entertain myself and those around me.
It’s a part of me and I’d not give it up again for any reason.

So cheers to the “old throwers”.
Keep on tossing that toy no matter how old you think you are.
You are younger and better than you think.

Man, yoyos are cool ;D

Wow, really? I hope you dropped her like a bad habit :stuck_out_tongue: Pretty weak for someone to refuse to respect or at least accept the activities that make you happy.

I played Pogs as a kid back in the 90s as well. I still have a stack of about 50 and a couple slammers. Poison pogs were the best! :smiley:

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Thats whats up.


42 here. :wink: We had a whole contest that Gambit mentioned that was for throwers over 30!

Welcome aboard. Have fun!

I started at 40(am 44 now), and quit once because I thought I was too old. Fortunately I have a younger friend who kept ‘bugging’ me to show him new stuff and when I had nothing he told me to ‘get on it’.

I did and I’m glad. Won’t quit again.

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I didn’t start playing until I was 19.

We didn’t work out to say the least. My wife is a much better catch for sure.

In regards to Pogs: somewhere I have an unopened pack of Michael Jordan Pogs & slammers from his 1st retirement. Keep waiting for them to go up in value but so far no dice.

Wonder when Pogs will make a comeback…

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Your too old don’t even bother. Better pick out your grave plot before all the good ones are taken. (JUST KIDDING)

Yoyoing keeps you young. You don’t even have to be great at it just have fun!

I’m 52. Still trying after many years. That being said…

I feel that the irony of the quoted post may have been missed. :slight_smile:

Absolutely not! :smiley:

I used to throw “back in the day” and loved it. Then didn’t for years. When I was about 24 I got a Yomega Hot Shot and started to get back into it. Now 29, I have about 10 yoyo’s and love it!

One of the things that is great about yoyoing is that no matter how old you are, it’s never too late. I plan on doing this my whole life.

I am happy you asked this question though. I think a lot people feel this way and never pick up a yoyo because they feel they are “too old” or something. This isn’t true. The sport/hobby is about challenging yourself, learning new things, and having fun.

So get a bunch of yoyo’s and have a blast my friend!

I need that Sean Bean meme:

“One does not simply… get too old to yoyo.” :smiley: