too much YYF ??...

I say we all start a boom. Every one should walk the malls, parks, schoools yoyoing like mad dawgs!! and handing out links to all the web sites to get them hoooked. If we all did this every day for a year. IM sure we could triple/quadruple our lil community who knows yoing might be an oylimpic sport if enuff people got the craze !! Boom Boom!! Long live the Y0

I tried doing that and all that came out of that was a few broken yo-yos (mine) and a lot more broken yo-yos (butterflies from longs drugs)

YYJ and YYF should really get their yo-yos on the shelves

Yup, sorry. My keyboard sometimes like to not recognize that I typed a letter or 4 :stuck_out_tongue:
It’s ok though, I wasn’t trying to make fun of him. I just thought it was kind of funny. Anywho…

That’s a good idea Fr3ak. I might actually carry around some little fliers with some sites on there and hand them out.

Also, that was very ironic. 5 minutes ago when I was mowing my yard, I thought, “Hmm, I wonder, what if yoyoing was an olympic sport?”

Kevlar, did you hit things with your yoyos or what?

No I lent my yo-yos to people that seemed interested.
Then those who wanted to go into more got butterflies and got immediately discouraged.

Oh I see. I hate when that happens.

Back on topic, once again I don’t think there’s too many YYF yoyos.

Other companies are still releasing a good amount of yoyos so I don’t think theres to much YYF

ahah sorry i didn’t managed to irritate anyone! ( samad calm down ! never saiyed they were crap !)

i told it i don’t think YYF isn’t a great companie because i never tied their yo and because they are a well known yoyo co today with famous yoyos.
( since i can’t meet other yoers i just cans test yoyo i buy…and i don’t have plenty of em lol)

I was just wondering if the quality wasn’t decreasing with the price and the quantity of yoyo they do! because i recently had baad thougts about DV888 annodizing and yoyos quality beside older YYF just like 888, but of course everybody has his opinion , and that’s why i wanted to have your opinions . ^^

Make sure i will tell you whati think when i’ll get one ( but fundametal doesn’t interest me … i don’t know why ! classical 888 seems so cool… saving money )

For YOYO at olympics … it would be cool but not the classic way we do it today … not everybody could pareciate … poor them !

And finally ADAM i think that yes YYF is cool but the reason why the other yoyo co are not as apreciate is also due to the fact that everybody buy YYJ and YYF first an then try something else ( that’s what i noticed with many players i talked with …) i saw a begener with 2 months yoyoing getin an ocho ocho ocho , a skyline and a superstar …

Don’t get crazy guys i just have different point of view but i don’t hate them and if an 888 beats my BVM …guy i should get one lol

see ya !

PS :sorry for my bad english …i havn’t practiced with english speaking guys since years and i lost a lot of my grammar and vocabulary …
The title should have be : "Are they releasing to much YYf at the same time ? " but i was out of battery and gone fast . what mistake did i do ?

The “to” should be “too”

I will let you know the ultimate sweetness of the yoyofactory when I get my kentaro edition superstar.

rocking out in front of my sleeping girlfriend while I play the song crazy train in my head

Others have made some really good points. YYF makes great yoyos, but what I really respect about them is their customer service. If you have a problem with a product, they will fix it. They listen to the community and actually care about the customer.

We’ve already pointed out the typos. This is one small typo made by a person who does not have English as his main language. I honestly think you are correcting the wrong typos from the wrong people here. Ther’s a big amount of people on this forum that has English as their main language, but still has a lot of grammar and spelling errors. What snake writes is completely understandable and does not need to be pointed out twice.

@ snake: Are YYF releasing too much? We walked to the departement store. I hate it when I have to excercise.

ahah thanks for the correction ^^

Battletoads : i agree , i mean that globaly the yoyo co are really cool with customer service … if you got any problem they will help you whatever happens ^^

Those to / too things are the nightmare of english teachers in france lol but it’s cool if you point it out and explain me because that’ why i subscribed to an english forum , i can read real english guy and not another sentence from an english manual !

whatever … yoyo rocks!!! ahah and know i want an 888 …lool love undersized.

I overhead a certain member from Team A talking to a certain owner of Company B (No, I’m not going to narc on them) talking about the massive line of YYF’s that were released the past month in a half. They made quite a few good points, and I want to share them with you. I’m not going to argue with anyone about these opinions because they are not my own, and do not necessarily reflect my own thoughts. Just read them and think about what they said:

No one can deny YYF’s presence and contributions, how many great people and players they have, or their dedication to the expansion of this sport. However -

  1. Only one of the yo-yos they released was new and fresh and brought something new to the yo-yoing world.

  2. YYF are KINGS of marketing. They have a very loyal and hyped fan base that help to sell their products.

  3. Most of YYF’s release are super exciting for the “kids”, but it’s nothing new to the industry like everyone is making it out to be.

It’s not verbatim, but you get the idea.

I personally never owned or played with a yo-yo from YoYoFactory(or anything besides my DM and a few Duncans for that matter), but they seem to be a reputable company. I don’t think that they are releasing too many yo-yos at once. I think it’s a good idea that YoYoFactory releases more yo-yos because there would be a wider selection for people to look at.

For example: We here at the YoYoExpert forums say and shout one thing: “It’s all about preference”. And that’s the thing about YoYoFactory; they’re making more yo-yos to fit YOUR preferences. And that’s one of the best things about them.

And to add to that, I have noticed something with these new releases, and older yo-yos. It seems as if YoYoFactory is taking elements from different yo-yos, mixing-and-matching them to create different yo-yos. Take the C13. It uses the extreme rim weight of the Catch 22, combining it with aluminum construction, and the K-pad response, and there you go. Another yo-yo for the collection. Sweet, huh? And the best part, they made it affordable.

Nothing new, but something for everyone. 'nuff said.

Is YYF releasing too much? Sorry Pheenix, I had to.

I like YYF but the new ones Aren’t as good.

I’m not trying to be an english stickler, but he asked, so I answered. Sorry if I offended

I just am slightly irritated by everyone who said that yyf’s new stuff is not as good as the old stuff. There are people who LOVE their new stuff, sure no one is going to LOVE everything they come out with but there is at least a few people who LOVE a certain yoyo for every yoyo they release. The quality of yyf yoyos is so much better then pretty much every other company. I hate to rag on other companies but, even though you may prefer the play of a yyj plastic yoyo over a yyf plastic yoyo you can’t deny the fact that the actual quality of the yyf plastic yoyo is 100 times better then the yyj yoyo.

I have played many yoyos from many companies, and in my opinion, no one can out do yyf.


Mitch, while they may have high quality yoyos, so do several other companies. I have played a few YYF’s and they’re good, but so are my YYJ’s.