Too hilarious.

oh yeah… the first trick that guy did, in the first video… my favorite. MMHM! 4 yos each hand. just like BOOM!DIGGIDY!

I’ve been working on that one for the last two years to the exclusion of all other tricks. It’s really affected my progress but if that’s the only trick I can do by the day I die, I’ll die a happy man.

Same here bro.

lol, loved that. thanks.

Hey Mr. Yoyoguy, why isn’t a kid your age in school doing his reading, writing and arithmetic instead of surfing around on a Yo-yo website?

We’re off school today. They wanted to take off school today since we just had veterans day but it wasn’t on a weekday. That way we’d better honor our veterans.

WHAT?! Veteran’s Day off? ??? In my day we went to school on Christmas Eve, and we didn’t have any thing like a spring break neither. We climbed a steep mountain with 6 1/2 feet of snow both going to and coming home in temperatures of like 40 degrees below zero all the time getting chased by wild javelinas! I suppose you little softies get Valentines Day off too.

A school day off for Veteran’s Day. ::slight_smile: I’ve never heard of such a thing.

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Dang, I guess we’re just lucky. You guys had it rough…no winter break or spring break?

Well, we had the days between Christmas & New Years off, and we felt dern lucky to get 'em too! You young whipper-snappers don’t know how sweet you got it. Our teachers had big thick wooden paddles with holes drilled through them so it would sting a lot more. And they swung 'em too!

Wait, what does this have to do with that Kenny guy scamming local news channels into believing he was some kind of yo-yo champion? Mr. Yoyoguy, you and I are always derailing these threads.

Yes, I believe you’re right. I guess we should stop. Truse me though, I appreciate my days off. :smiley:

Trolling, double posting, derailing… Tsk, tsk, Mr. Yoyoguy.

I think my favorite part of those videos is when he talks about his family and his divorce. Then takes a call on the air. Too funny.

and the funny thing is it’s his own thread!


i can derail this thread if
I want to! Now back on topic.


Thank you!

good fond memories…
…and treasures… …yes fond…
…memories… …and treasures…

Did Elaphark take this from him, or him take it from Elephark?

Phark made the tut after it was on the tv show.

Not surprised it mimics the video good as well