Titanium Shoot Out 2015: A High Speed YoYo Review

Welcome to the 2015 Titanium Shoot out. This write-up contains reviews of the three hottest yo-yos of the year, the YoYoFactory Ti Dream, Luftverk Evora, and the One Drop CiTIzen. As with my other multi-yoyo reviews, each section will be broken up into subsections talking about that aspect of the individual yo-yos, with the “Final Thoughts” section pulling it all together talking about the pros and cons for all three. For this review I will forgo my normal introduction going into the backstory of the companies and such. All three of these yo-yos fall in the “ludicrous price*” category for pricing, which is similar to ludicrous speed only without going plaid. (What, you thought I wouldn’t have a movie joke in here somewhere?) I am sure you are anxious to know which titanium throw is worth nearly $300 of your hard earned money.

*Ludicrous pricing is all relative to the purchaser. For me, any yo-yo over $250 is firmly in that category, no matter what it is made of.

Click here to continue reading the review.

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I need one of these… :frowning:

Which one? :slight_smile:

As usual a very nice review. If you would like to do an addendum with a raw Ti Dream, PM me your address and I will let you borrow mine.


I also used the spaceball “plaid” reference too in my last review of the Summit vs 7 Summits. Great minds think alike apparently.


good write up. your pics are so pretty…

Any of them… :frowning:

Excellent review along with excellent spelling and grammar.

If his review was simply horrible would you still compliment him on his excellent spelling and grammar?

Is this Forum more of a, ‘get the information out even if it is even a little rough around the edges but understandable’? Or is it more about, ‘how gooda book lernin we dunn in Skoool’?


Thanks, I pride myself on being an avid wordsmith. :slight_smile:

It is all good, I think a little from column A and a little from column B goes a long way. Although there are some on the internet that make me wonder is Earth is their first language. ;D

Who knows? There might be aliens among us.