Tips for slack tricks

I’ve been having a hard time learning how to do whips and slack tricks and was wondering if anyone had tips on how to do them better.



Hi Ziggery, what slack trick are you trying to learn?
One basic important thing for sure is to make sure that your string has no tension when permorming the slack element.


@ChrysaeThrows nailed it that neutral tension/torsion is essential. Also, I’ve found for whips, certain strings are very easy to whip and learn to whip. Markmont formulas Night Moves and Ziplines Prestiege are some of the best whipping strings I’ve played. I had incredible trouble learning Brent Stole, when I tried it on both Night Moves and Prestiege, I hit it in a couple of tries. Learning the motion on an easy string taught me how to do the trick using the string I normally use (YYSL Type X).

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I’m trying to learn man on the flying trapeze and his brother slack because it looks easy enough for a beginner like me but i cant get the string flipping motion down. Another trick that caught my eye was under water basket weaving but that seems way above my level at the moment


making sure you turn your palm up and pinch, then when you throw the slack, go palm down.


Once you have the neutral tension, and you get into the brother mount, pinch and gently whip the string. Catch with non-throwhand palm up. You don’t need to whip fast, the string will follow.

All of that said, it takes practice, but, is worth the effort. There are a lot of things you can do after catching the slack. Remember, we all learn at our own pace, which is exactly the right pace for us. Also, make sure you have a good trapeze and his brother, it just gives one less thing to have to concentrate on while learning the slack


Thanks for all the help! I’ll keep practicing hopefully i get it down soon

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Thanks to all ur guys tips and help + some practice time i got trapeze and brother slack down! I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions on the next slack trick/tricks that i could learn next

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I often have those new to slack, experiment with Iron Whip as it’s simple and allows multiple attempts before needing to rewind the yoyo.


if you know Wrist mount, you can learn Cheese Whip, it’s a slack trick, but also just a cool way to get into a Wrist mount.