Time management, how do you fit yo-yo in?

There’s a difference between locking away a yoyo and never using it, and choosing to use it in an environment that offers fewer opportunities for damage. The former is pure collecting, while the latter is called “taking care of your nice things.”


It’s a fun hobby so as long as you are fulfilled and happy…that is great!

I can yoyo at work so I take advantage of that. When I hit a nice little combo here and there at work it boosts my confidence level and overall happiness for the day.

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This is the first “weighted” YoYo I have ever owned. It sleeps forever and gives me so much time for tricks.

Are there other yo-yos I should consider?


That image did not arrive from your mail client, so we’re… not sure?



TL;DR “we will always have time for the things we make time for”


Just get yourself a Replay Pro to throw at work. I work in a machine shop, and that thing has banged concrete I couldn’t even tell you how many times at this point, and it just keeps truckin along. That thing is a tank! Just keep it in my toolbox at work, and that’s the only yoyo that will ever go inside that shop.


Kinda the same with money. For me at least.