How much time do you spend YoYoing on a daily basis?

I’m curious how much time some of you get to YoYo on a daily basis?

Mine varies quite a bit, as I’m sure most of yours would also. Some days I can YoYo for a few hours at a time, practicing certain tricks or simply getting more comfortable with a YoYo in my hands. Other days, like yesterday and probably today, little to no time will be spent YoYoing. :frowning:

2 hours…

10 mins if I’m lucky. Gotta love work/college, huh?

1-3 hours every day it seems…

More than I should, but not as much as I want :joy:
Actually, it varies as to what is going on in life. Sometimes it is easy to find an hour or two, other times, finding 10 minutes is a challenge. That said, I do try to throw for at least a few minutes every day. It is a great stress reliever, even when I’m stinking it up learning a new trick.

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Total, probably at least an hour. I throw on my 2 15-minute breaks, and throw off and on when I’m at home.

There were a couple of threads like this in the past, but my time has changed drastically since I first started .

1st year- 2-3 hours a day
2nd year- 2 hours a day
3rd year- 1 hour or less a day

growing up sucks lol

… You mean you yo-yo everyday? Doh!

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Usually about an hour a day. I mean, the yoyo is my constant companion, so I feel like I play a LOT… but 5 minutes here and there doesn’t really add up to hours throughout the day.

In the evening, sometimes I just find myself playing for no particular reason… just… playing… and that gives me an extra hour. So like 1-2 hours per day.

Usually about once or twice a day I pick up one of my yoyos and just do it around my room, or when I’m walking to class or whatnot, maybe about 10-20 minutes on average. But then there are some days where I get super motivated to learn a new trick and will just keep working until I get the mechanics down.

Probably about 2-3 hrs. I’m homeschooled so I have more time for breaks. every night I finish my hw, go into my garage, put in music, and Yoyo for easily an hour, usually more

I normally get about half an hour per day, an hour if I’m lucky. I try to make the time count as much as I can. :slight_smile:

Depends on the day. Some days I don’t throw at all, but when I do, probably never more than an hour.

2 hours a week, in one day.
I should step up…
I talk about yoyos more than actually playing it lately.

Same here, I’m definitely on the forums more.

About 4-5 hours a day

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2-3 hours when a contest is not near, 5-6 hours a day when a contest is within a month. I am non-stop on the day of the contest, though.

I just yo-yo when I feel like it. Sometimes that’s a lot, sometimes that’s not a lot.

Aren’t you lucky lol

30 minutes - 1 hour on weekdays and 1-2 hours on weekends. Although if I’m filming a video I can go for 4 hours