How much time do you spend YoYoing on a daily basis?

I yoyo about an hour a day or more depending on how much homework I have assigned for me. Recently because I have a modern world history teacher who decides to assign stupidly hard take home tests and assign an essay on top of it. I haven’t really had much time to yoyo because the amount of work I have for one class is ridcoulous.

if thats true, your fingers must be a sight to see.

I’d say anywhere from half hour to maybe 2 hours. I always am changing out yoyo’s and strings and stuff so its never like a consistent session.
Honestly I found this very hard to accurately estimate.

haha yeah man. Its even worse because i live in florida

When I first started yo-yoing I would practice about 3-4 hours a day for the first 6 months of yo-yoing. But now in the last 3 months I yoyo about an hour a day or so. Really disappointed in myself. I haven’t learned anything new since then. :frowning:

After looking at these, i think im slightly insane (but i LOVE IT)

4 hours minimum per day usually :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Usually anywhere from 1-3 hours a day. If a contest is near, then I would play more :wink:

Thanks for all the feedback so far, keep it coming! I’m enjoying seeing the time everyone puts into this hobby. I often find myself YoYoing while watching a tv show or movie instead of just sitting down and being lazy. I also find that some of the best times I get to YoYo are when I go shopping with my wife, she’s noticed that I don’t nag her as often about when we’re leaving. Haha!

I also noticed that I need to change out my YoYo every other day or I’ll get bored and not do it at all. This means I really need to expand my collection as I only have 4 throws right now, two of which are really playable. Is anyone else like this?

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I do the same! I always try to use a quiet yo-yo though, for courtesy’s sake ::slight_smile:

I definitely understand getting bored with the same old yo-yo’s. Luckily I have found some yo-yo’s that I don’t really get bored of and I switch between them. (I always have a collection of around three or so yo-yo’s that I really like to switch out between.)

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I do the same. I also bring a yoyo shopping, to the doctor or dentist…I usually have one so I can pass the time while waiting.

15 to 60 minutes a day, but then I’ll go a week or more without throwing at all due to work/family commitments.

I’m lucky to have my grand daughter living with us and she’s a yoyo player as well. So there are times when she will ask me if I want to play yoyo together. That’s a lot of fun to practice together.

i play every day, at least a couple tricks.
but how MUCH time just depends. life is so crazy, especially with kids and all the other stuff i like to do… some days i get 10m, some days i get a couple hours. mostly i would guess somewhere in between - maybe around 45m average.

BUT, how much time really doesn’t mean anything. it’s like what they say - “practice doesn’t make perfect - PERFECT practice makes perfect.” you can spend all day throwing, but if you’re not really committed within the time you happen to take for yourself, it’s really hard to progress past a certain level. in my experience, some players are just able to “be there” on a deeper level of concentration and immersion, and that’s what sets them apart.

and really, i don’t even believe all that about “perfect practice”, because i’m not REALLY playing to “win” anything or even achieve a specific ideal. if you’re really present and engaged, regardless of how much time you’re able to throw, “practice doesn’t make perfect - practice IS perfect”.

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Wise wise words from the man himself. :slight_smile: