How many hours a day do you yoyo?

I probably throw for about 2-4 hours every day. Sometimes I wake up at 4 am to get in some throwing time and sometimes I stay up a few hours late to get that time in. I always have a yoyo in my holder and on me at all times so even when it’s a busy work day…I find plenty of ways to get some throwing in. They say that you make time for the things you love and excuses for the things that you don’t. How often do you throw?


I also try to throw this much every day


I can tell! Your skills are very impressive. Keep up the great work my friend


Thank you man!! I try to progress as much as I can. You’re also progressing quickly but that’s no surprising knowing that you wake up 4am to yoyo haha. Keep it up too


Yeah man I gotta keep grinding! Trying to improve my skills every chance I get. The more tricks that I learn and can do… the more I enjoy yoyoing. Being able to do a lot of tricks keeps things from getting stale, repetitive, and boring. Never stop learning!


I’ve never really timed it and it happens sporadically throughout the day. I’d say maybe 1-2 hours a day on average. Maybe more? I work from home so I get a lot of yoyo breaks and I do it a lot in my free time too, so it’s probably more like 3-4 hours :rofl:


:fire::fire::fire::fire:. Would love to see you throw sometime

That’s exactly how I feel about it!

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Just checked out your ig. Nice skills my friend

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Although it’s very frustrating when you’re learning and get stuck haha

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Thanks! I spend a lot of my time working on consistency and flow with the tricks and elements I already know. I try to push myself to learn new and more complex tricks, but that grind can be tedious sometimes.


15-20 min a day on a new trick is all you need. You don’t have to learn the trick the same day you start attempting. Its just all about progress

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Probably somewhere around 2 hours a week. Some days I don’t touch a yoyo, other days a yoyo for two minutes than put it down, other days I yoyo for an hour or two. I’m really sporadic with it. I yoyo when I feel like yoyoing, but I’m lazy so more often I just want to sit in my free time lol


I often throw for around 2-4 hours a day just like the rest of you do :grin: I sometimes break up the time throughout the day whenever I can. but I can’t be happier when I throw my favorite yo every day :+1:t2::wink:


I used to yoyo about 1-2 hours everyday, but I injured my pointer finger, and haven’t been able to throw in a week. :slightly_frowning_face:


Dangggg. What happened?

Uhh, its sort of gross, but I got an infected hangnail on Monday, and then by Friday it had traveled to the pad of my fingertip. It has tremendously improved since yesterday, though.

Between work and home probably about 1-2 hours, at least 5-6 days a week. Some days more, some less, some weeks more days, some weeks less.

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Probably 5 days a week only 5-30 mins because I work so much and exhausted or don’t as much time as I really want


You ever take your yoyo to work?