A quick poll: how often do you play yoyo?

When I play yoyo, I play in a day…
[poll name=When I play yoyo, I play… type=regular results=on_vote public=true chartType=bar]

  • up to 30 min
  • 1 hour
  • 2 hours
  • 4 hours
  • more than 4 hours


  • I play every day
  • I play almost every day
  • I play 2 or 3 days a week
  • I play less than that
0 voters

It depends on the day how much I yoyo, maybe I should of done one hour. I only skip if I’m really busy.


I get about an hour in and play everyday.
I also keep a logbook with a list of tricks to work on that I check off…keeps me motivated.


Not consistent but I think total I play in a day is about an hour, and about every day I’m throwing. Some days I may not get a chance but I almost always have a yoyo on me.

Most of the time it’s messing around with tricks I already know and finding ways to link everything I’ve learned and sometimes I have to go back and look at old stuff and re-remember something. I have a list of tricks online that I have checked off and some on a “wish list” that interest me in learning…just need to take the time and grind it out.


Every day, for about a half hour for me. Sometimes more, sometimes less. I don’t really think about it too much. I mostly yoyo while waiting on cooking food, or have a short session when I get back from work to wind down and figure out what to cook. Weekends are variable; sometimes I yoyo a lot, sometimes nearly none at all. Though if im learning a new trick, it is probably on a weekend where I don’t have anything else to do, and I can spend a couple hours throwing.


What a great post idea! I always enjoy learning a little more about our community here.

This community is awesome!


So far, amongst ~100 voters, we can say that in this community;

  • The great majority plays between 30 min to 1 hour everyday or almost everyday.
    – That is equivalent to 11 full days in a year playing yoyo.

  • Only few people play 2 hours but they play everyday!
    – That means 1 month playing yoyo non-stop.

  • A bunch of people play more than 4 hours.
    — That means more than 3 months playing yoyo non-stop.

  • Only 4 people play for 4 hours when playing yoyo.
    – that means 2 months playing yoyo non-stop.


I practice 5 days a week on my commute… luckily the subway isn’t crowded so i actually get 30 or 40 min in both ways. Better then sitting there looking at IG post wishing i was throwing.
I also just randomly throw during the day, any chance i get to throw outside i’l take. on line at stores, at work, while doing chores… often instead of. … and let’s not forget the occasional can’t sleep at 3am session… …


2 on weekdays. 4-6 on weekends. The rest of the time I squeeze it in every chance I get.

I think I have yoyo-hand. It’s gonna kill the coronavirus.


i’d say it will average an hour a day, just about daily. it just depends… some days i’ll get more out, some days less.

i’ve been picking up some unique and/or older pieces lately, and i have been enjoying taking the time and comparing the subtle (or not, lol) nuances between the different models, generational differences, etc. i’m spending a lot of time jumping around and it is giving me a great appreciation for how many damn great yoyos are out there… some i would have even missed out on had i not stumbled across them, or taken a chance.

unfortunately, i cannot keep all of them! variety is the spice of life… and oh baby is the hobby spicy!


I throw maybe up to 30 mins. Maybe between 2-4 days a week. I think I spend more time lurking on here looking at the BST pictures of Yo-yo’s I wish I owned


Great point! We need a separate poll for how much time each of us spends lurking in the YYE forums :rofl:


Dude the forum says I have 9 days worth of read time…
I dont know if that is accurate or if I should be ashamed.

To think if I spent those 216 hours actually yoyoing…


Right now my practice is so irregular that I don’t even know how to answer the poll. Since my sister lost her husband she has been staying at my house most of the time and that has really disrupted my throwing. I don’t like to throw when anyone is around? Is anyone else a closet thrower, or can you practice and not mind who watches?


I throw sometimes infront of walgreens or the grocery store before I go shopping lol. It never really bothered me.
My sessions are kinda irregular as well but thats because my back starts to give if I go at it for a long period of time


Your profile says you have 208 days visited, which works out to about 208 hours of playing yoyo and 216 hours of reading about yoyo. That’s a healthy balance if you ask me!

Interestingly I’m guessing many of us might have that 1:1 relationship. If you do, you get a pat on the back for living a balanced life :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Aww thanks man for doing the math for me lol. I feel a little better about it now. Haha


I’m home most of the day so I play a lot. You’d think I’d be better than I am for how much I practice lol. I have fun though and that’s why I do it.


uhmmm, does anyone else yoyo while reading the board… like on their ipad for example, lol…