So now that school’s coming back, I was just wondering how you guys broke up your time for yoyoing. Thi is how I like to do it:
I change the style that I practice every Saturday(Week1-1A, Week2-2A, Week3-4A,Week4-5A)
I only have time for hour of practice every week day
Every Weekend I usually play for 2-3 hours
I just yoyo whenever I feel like it. I also just do whatever style I feel like at the time. Usually it’s either 2a or 4a, but not always. I should also throw 3a into that.
theres lots of free time, im taking 4 classes, from 8 till 12, in beetween classes i throw with some friends…college is so much fun…more lax than high school, in high school i used to have like 8 classes