Time for change.

Um, I have to throw this in here but, you do realize as being apart of a sponsorship, a company, that you are what makes them. With that said, should it not be allowed to bounce ideas to your leader as a means of them improving the company?

Anyways, a shame but understandable. Keep it real.


^^ he has a point.

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Well Zam, I understand where you come from. But whenever I would talk to Mike about something like that, I just felt like I was being annoying. Like the little kid that sees something he likes and has to tell EVERYONE. It isn’t that Mike made me think that I was being that way, it’s that I felt that way.

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This is some crazy stuff.

I can’t picture Q not being on DTI.

That’s the way she goes I guess.

I see what your saying Q, though, it seems to me that if he’s sponsered you, he obviously doesn’t think your annoying. What does mike think about you leaving?

We are still friends, and he knows that I have plans that I want to execute.

Q I want you to know that I give a crap.

…And I thought you just bought a pocket change

Well good luck with your plans, as long as a respectful resignition was in order I hope you are happy with your decision.

live long and prosper :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow and people think I’m vulgar.

I don’t post pictures of monkey tossing fecal matter. :<

Dude it’s a piece of nature. Like a panda bear eating bamboo monkeys chuck their fecal matter.

I loled so many times in this topic. Especially that picture.

very thoughtful, respectful post.

good luck and god speed on your future endeavors…



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Icthus you changed your name :o. Well this is a thread about change.

Icthus the Enforcer! BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Icthus, you are my hero!!!