Ti Walkers might come back if Heath gets 200 likes on this link.

this was my EXACT thought process prior to ever asking the community (sovereign comparison and all)

thanks for explaining what i couldnt :slight_smile:

Sounds logical to me. If the initial buyers were told that a limited number would be available before buying, then it is a feature of the product just the same as the yoyo’s axle. We all know that limited production affects value, so this is not really disputable even if you disagree that yoyos are or should be collector’s items.

The larger point being that it is never ok to lie to paying customers. About anything. Profit, or new potential customers, is not justification for leaving previous customers hanging out to dry. There’s an easy way around this for sellers and that is simply to not promise a limited run. But once that’s happened, a good seller will stick with it.

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SEE!!! Coherent thought, exactly what I was talking about in your FB thread about needing testers. ;D

Oh, and there is a way around the Ti-Walker limitation, make a run of Ti-Walker D-Bearings. There was no limit on that one.


IMO, engravings and numbers don’t make a yoyo a different yoyo. Bearing size, weight, shape, etc. certainly do. There’s probably some gray area in here, i.e.: plating and ‘maybe’ colorway. But that’s a discussion left for another day.

I say do the G3Ti.

Truly, to a man, ye are most honorable. Knights of the Round Table do exist… Here; yes here amongst us indeed.

Such touching touchingness that touches soo touchingly; I’m touched. A word… a promise… a bond in blood; minus the blood part.

Heath said he would only make so many TiWalkers. So they sold out fast; real fast; supa fast; like a Ninja fast… fast with a quickness like in quickfast-ness.

So; let me get this straight. The guys that didn’t get them; want them and can’t have them because ‘them aren’t available’(ye hah). And the Collectors that have them, most likely don’t even throw them, they just stare at them and dust them off and smile because there aren’t many of them. And the guys that bought them to either kinda collect them or sit on them and throw them now and then; just LOVE the fact that there are soo few of them, that their value will stay up for years most likely. ?

Noooooooooo Heath; don’t make more! I paid a few hundred bucks for this thing and I want to be able to eventually sell it for a Grip a Dead Presidents. And I sure can’t do that if you make ‘more’ of them. That would Kill the value for the speculators. What can we do to Lock Heath down? OMG, a Miracle came to mind. < Let’s Play the Honor Card. Yeah. Heath said he would only make one run. Awesome. We’ll put that in his face. Heath you gave your word… You made a Promise. It’s an Honor thing. You can’t change your mind(muhahaha); you just can’t. We all really WANT a TiWalker, but it is more Important for the Entire Loving close knit Yoyo Community to recognize that you kept true to your Promise; O Valiant One… Heath Legend… I mean Heath Skywalker. Whatever.

Yes; yes; I really really really like in almost really super want badly a TiWalker, but knowing that Heath is keeping his word is Totally more important than procuring my Dream Yoyo. Go Heath.

You really owe it to all the smoke blowers that want to insure their investment keeps its’ value.

I read every single word of every post in this thread. And if you guys were filling up an Empty Cess pool; it would be time to call for the pump truck.

Let’s put away the Bibles and the Knights in Shining Armor and the Kleenex and cut all this Honor baloney.

Anybody that is trying to Jam Heath to Keep his ‘Promise’ ‘word’ ‘whatever he casually said’ is full of something and it ain’t beans.

But he promised; he did. And he told me that Santa was a real person; he did; he did. And Dorothy wants to go back to Kansas.

I see NO Problem here. Just make the next batch of TiWalkers and use engraving to identify that are NOT the First run. That way the OG TiWalkers would still be Original Batch TiWalkers; so all the whiney round table bound Honor students can still be happy campers. Bingo! Problem solved.

Do I really care? Hey; I have 2 TiWalkers: one plain and one Jason’d. No dust on them; they fly around daily. Heath makes GREAT yoyos… not good; GREAT. I have Skywalkers; Battosais; every one of them is Amazing.

If Heath makes more TiWalkers; he is not a punk. The Punks are those that are selfish and inconsiderate enough to ‘call him out for it’. And try to rag on him by singing the blues,’ How could you Heath; How could you’?


Yoyoers are one big happy family right? Yoyoing is supposed to be fun for everyone; right? Yoers like other yoers; right? Then WHY can’t the Honor bound clowns give Heath a Pass and stop standing in the way of Heath doing what he does best? Make GREAT yoyos?

Why Hold Heath to a casual Promise? Give me one valid reason that is not Totally Selfish to not give Heath a Pass and let him provide his amazing yoyos to all those that still may want one?

The only ones that are going to have an issue with what I am saying are the ‘ones’ that don’t want the rest of us to have fun.

These are friggin yoyos; not real Estate purchases. Heath wasn’t sittin on a Bible making a bond with the Dali Lama. He was just talking out loud and some of you ‘special holy art thou’ fellows and trying to pin it on him.

The lamest thing that could happen here is for the Few to hold Heath back cuz they say his Honor depends on it. That Stinks. And you know who you are. Selfish motives. < It is one of those old,’ I will remember you said that and you’ll be sorry’.

Heath… Heath; Make more TiWalkers. This is not Mount Olympus and it is not the Actual Knights of the Round Table. It is a bunch of people with glass cases/and/or strings around their fingers.

Anybody that tries to hold Heath back; should be ashamed of themselves. And we will all know exaclty who they are if Heath makes more Ti’s and they come forward and whine about it.

what a laugh… but Heath said; blah blah blah. < cry me a river


Because if he breaks his promise then his word means nothing.

And for the record I want him to make more as I don’t currently own one. If the price stayed around the $200 mark I’d almost certainly snap one up.

Because if he breaks his promise then his word means nothing.

I deliberately pressed several points in my rant from several slightly different angles. I did that so that it might penetrate into the thicker honor filled heads. < Obviously I should have used a bigger hammer and longer nails.

If you are Anybody can actually READ and attempt to even try to Understand what I said; there may be hope for you in life.

Your Breaks his Promise angle is absolutey Groundless. A casual promise and a Word of Honor are two entirely different things. … His word means nothing, if…?

Seriously; if you don’t/can’t grasp my post; please just put on some clown makeup and be yourself.

You are either part of the problem or part of the solution. Give Heath a ‘Pass’ from your perceived high degree of the super importance of his ‘promise’ and let the guy make some more yoyos.

That would make you part of the solution. You and any other hard heads that just can’t grasp my straight forward logic; if you can’t see beyond your narrow minded views; are simply part of the problem.

It is not what Heath said… It is how some of you guys are trying to Control him with his words.

Using his casual words as Leverage againgst him border on Blackmail. He is being put in the corner.

And anybody with the gall to say ‘his word would mean nothing’? They are nothing. He who can forgive can also have honor. Release Heath from his ‘promise’ and let him take care of Business.

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You don’t need to write all of that. The fact of the matter is the original buyers were told that X amount were going to be made, period. Those buyers bought, for whatever reason, based partially on that knowledge. It was part of the deal when money exchanged hands. Both Heath and the customers knew that this limited number affected the value of the item being sold.

It doesn’t matter how you want to twist it, that’s it. Doesn’t matter what the current owners are doing with them, doesn’t matter if I want one now, doesn’t matter if my dying wish to Heath is that I own a Ti-Walker…it is not right to reneg on any facet of a deal, ESPECIALLY when doing so will hurt your previous customers in any way, shape, or form. This would, and I can say that as one who does not own a Ti-Walker and has no stake in their future sales.

Have you ever been lied to by a company you did business with? Did it make you feel better about it knowing that they would profit as a result of lying to you? I very much doubt it. Taking your business elsewhere and recommending to friends that they do the same is not about control, it is about common sense.

You are wrong about this, and you’re wrong to imply anything negative about the customers who bought the product fair and square. I’m glad that Heath is his own man and has made the right decision in the matter. I would gladly do business with him in the future because of it.

You would have understood what I meant. By the wording of your response, you are basically insinuating that I am lacking in ‘common sense’. Common sense involves grasping and understanding reality. My post ‘is’ common sense. To dismiss what I presented by stating that I didn’t ‘have to write all that’ simply means you refuse to accept anything other than your narrow distorted perspective. You guys are waaaay too hung up on the ‘promise’. Heath Obviously made a serious error in judgement even whispering the word ‘promise’ in a field of folks that would burn him with it. Your position totally lacks flexibility. You should be embarrassed to use the words,‘common sense’.

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You’re right, I have no flexibility with regard to being lied to by someone with whom I do business. Not one ounce of flexibility. If this is a distorted world view, then sign me up.

I think the d bearing ti walker idea would be a good comprimise. I REALLY liek this idea. to be honest tho ill buy any ti heath releases

I see both sides, honestly. I certainly respect the fact that he stuck to his word, and I also think the community should do it’s best to spread the love. If a yoyo manufacturer has a demand AND a willingness to pay, there’s no non-selfish reason for the community to ask him not to do a second run. i wouldn’t blame him either way, but i definitely respect his decision to not make a second run… especially when i know how much of a pain it is to machine titanium

Here is me being completely up front about this entire situation and VsNYYC (as i tend to do). please do not take this post as me being arrogant or something like that. I’m just saying things like they are based on what is actually going on.

When i started VsNYYC nearly 3 years ago, i NEVER intended things to become what they have. If you would know me on a more personal level (as only 2 or 3 on these forums do), you would know that I am one of those people who seems to have a lot of great ideas but never really acts upon them. Even as i type this message i am rereading every single word trying to stress this point. I NEVER thought VsNYYC would become what it is today. I would have NEVER in my entire life guessed that i would be one of the United States’ most sought after home brew yoyo makers.

When I drove for 33 1/2 hours to San Francisco and dropped the Sky Walker @ BAC, it came with praise, but more so in the form of “yay! someone from the community actually made a yoyo company!!!” than “OMG this is better than anything period!!!” (though there were a few in that direction :slight_smile: ). If you were around for the YYN drop, you would know that these now selling for the price of appendages 1st run Sky Walkers actually sat on the shelves for a few weeks before finally selling out. You would also know that VsNYYC was my first personally owned business, and i am learning as problems present themselves. (hopefully i am done with the bulk of them)

Throughout this learning process, I have made MANY mistakes. I have been late on countless things, made promises that i shouldnt have, and generally put more on my plate than i should have ever considered doing alone. I have learned from EVERY mistake and still do today.

When you say “keeping your word”, I cant help but feel like i have already gone back on it. I initially started VsNYYC as a non-profit company that i did when i had time to. After a long community discussion, it was decided by both you and i that VsNYYC should be made into a profit company to better serve both the community and myself. i know i risk being patronized for it, but is that not going back on my word? sure, i never PROMISED that i would stay non-profit, but i did swap business strategy.

To be blunt, the main reason i considered making more Ti Walkers is because in a way i considered it a win/win situation for both VsNYYC and the consumer. VsNYYC would be essentially guaranteed MUCH NEEDED capital, and consumers would have a 2nd chance to buy a less collectible but still highly sought after version of what is arguably one of the most sought after yoyos in the world. When i first dropped the Ti Walkers the idea of ever needing to make more sounded completely absurd to me.

Essentially, I am acknowledging that limiting the Ti Walkers to a single run was a mistake on my part as a still wet behind the ears entrepreneur.

The above statement DOES NOT mean i intend to go back on my word. it is simply stating that i see the promise as a mistake and have taken it into account for the future.

Thank you all for your input on this situation. I see nothing else that I can add to this already too long response :smiley:


Particularly well-said

Heath, here’s the way I see it: by changing business strategies, you did something you had to do keep making yoyos and no one can ever fault you for that. You never publicly stated you’d NEVER sell out and become someone who makes money off of his hard work ;).
But you did say (and this was before I got back into yoyoing) that you would make a limited number of TiWalkers (I think that’s been beat to death at this point). So I suppose, if you actually spoke to every single person who currently owns a TiWalker, and they all said go ahead and make more, then you’re good.
I don’t own one of your throws, although I really want to. But it seems to me you haven’t missed the mark yet. You could make literally any of your yoyos in titanium and everyone in the community would be drooling. I think you should make the Moonwalker or Battosai in Ti, publicly say you aren’t going to limit the number of them, and lasered into the said of each have 12/∞. It would be great. People would love it. And it would be self reflective of this whole situation. You made a mistake by limiting TiWalkers, but to me it seems like that is the only mistake you have made. That’s pretty dang good.

YoyoDoc, I see where you’re coming from. I really do. But the fact of the matter is that you’re going to be a hard person to trust on the BST now. The implications of what you said extrapolate to you being willing to make a deal with someone. And go back on it the moment you found one you thought was better. What you’re talking about is good business as far as short-term profit, but about as ethical as Enron.

I’m taking a shot in the dark here, and I only read the first 2 pages, but what about using another material like 7075 aluminum or even magnesium? Heck, even use something we, the community, haven’t seen before. Obviously your yoyos are nothing but successful and I’ll be darned to say that even an affordable metal would be a huge hit. I’m thinking maybe a bi-delrin; relatively cheaper then things like titanium. We don’t really need another titanium to replace the ti-walker imo.

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Personally my opinion is that promising a limited run was a mistake and the time to throw a hissy fit about it was THEN and not now.

Reneging on that promise would only be a 2nd mistake and instead of it being a lack of foresight (which we all are guilty of) it would be a lack of character…which is something no amount of money can buy back.

Its time for players, collectors and artisans to move on to new creative horizons instead of dwelling on things you cant change.

Whoa here on the criticism of YoyoDoc. I think it is this sort of over-dramatization of this issue that is getting out of hand.

This entire thread is getting more than a little ridiculous and I for one am starting to get irritated at this “honor” thing. No one’s honesty is really at issue here. All of you who are taking this “Heath said…” position are really just being selfish, or juvenile. Stop covering for your faults by projecting fault on others where it does not exist.

So what if Heath said some stupid promise years ago? More importantly, I still fail to see any material harm being done to any current Ti-Walker owner by making a second run (remember, I own one too). If you are truly afraid of losing your equity - sell your Ti Walker NOW while the supply is still limited. Problem solved.

I bet the new ones will cost more than you get for one today.

Now HERE’S a cool idea. Make it out of copper, not even plated, just straight up copper! It would be expensive but incredibly cool. A pure steel yoyo would also be pretty cool. But I’m not sure about the weight issue with it.