Throwing goals for 2014

Didn’t post yesterday, but I completed Iron Whip and today I learned Kota Pops?(not sure if it has an official name) Look at 1:25 in the video and also be inspired by Kota’s amazing play!

Today marks yet another yoyo project I shall be now diving into for 2014.

Today I shall be unveiling what I have dubbed “Go yo pro tutorials”. What is this you ask?

I shall be making a number of tutorials from beginner all the way to “expert” level of tricks using my style of “gopro” tutorial making. This will help usher in a new generation of yoyoers to help the learning process even easier than ever before.

I’ve been actively trying to learn all the stuff I didn’t when I first started and thus want to teach those out there. I’m going a little backwards because I’m teaching many of the sequel tricks that people like Paul Escolar, Spencer Berry and Jason Lee made. These tricks were never fully documented and thus never well exposed.

This is my goal for 2014 as a yoyoer.

Haha, I was joking. :stuck_out_tongue: I did break my nose, but it only hurts a little bit now. It’s only a minor injury anyway. :wink:

Haha, my goal for this year is to stay innovative, be creative, and to just have fun with yoyoing. I’ve been missing out on a lot of contests, so I’ll be having fun creating tricks on my own. :slight_smile:

Genji, that Sector-Y video is down. Don’t suppose you downloaded it to re-up or anything, eh?

Wow…can’t believe that dude removed the tutorial. It’s been up for years!

Anyways…here’s a link of how the trick is supposed to look like, by it’s creator.

Only 2 more days and I can go back to a normal throwing routine and learn tricks slower!!

I should have really thought out this one new trick a day, as a lot of the advanced material really takes like a week to get down solid. It has helped me go back to some more basic whips and slacks that I have never gotten down though and will improve my throwing overall. I can go back through all of the stuff I learned in February to really master them all.

Anyways, here’s what I learned today!

This is about where I’m at, learning my way through the advanced basics of things like slacks and whips in the advanced tutorials on yye. Build my basic library of skills, as it were, while working on the stuff that’s currently catching my attention. I’m also focusing on learning more advanced stuff like Kamikaze and White Buddha, since I like the back and forth type tricks like Skin the Gerbil, Cold Fusion, and etc. Would like to expand with more magic drop tricks and kamikaze mount tricks as well to keep pushing my technical understanding.

Thanks for that Triangulation video, Genji. Looks like it has a bunch of elements from Buddha’s Revenge, so it shouldn’t be too hard to piece it together. :slight_smile:

I wasn’t.


My goal for yoyo in 2014 Is to get myself out there and start competing sadly I’m in NY so there’s no state competition but hopefully I could catch Massachusetts state I also want to work on more original tricks


failing at my goals so far… i recorded video… it’s editing the stuff. After some reflection and figuring out that im going to have to spend at least an hour to edit a decent video … i may just have to make a monthly edit or something of my favorite moments or something.

but I will be meeting 2 more throwers in the area very soon… we’ve exchanged phone numbers… now we got to find a date that works for everyone

Make a video. And go to some contests. I’ve been out of touch with the community for so long I wonder if people even know who I am XD.

I’ve had to put yoyo on the back burner a bit, recently, but this year I’m hoping to put out a lot of quality material.