Thread types! (Update Review on top page) Big updates

I feel it is my civic duty to bring about stimulating conversation in the string making universe. So where do you get your best stuff. For me it’s Atlanta Thread. (PS I’m in salt lake so I do get some of my thread online.) Anybody else do that. Let me know down below.

I should clarify, I don’t divide it. It would be impossible to divide it. I just use (for example) 8 threads of Nylon and 6 threads of coats or poly to make a string.

by the way is a great site for lots of good deals on all sorts of thread.

That’s a better strategy. I divide my threads after I set them up, and thus I haven’t worked with nylon very much. Might have to try that.

I know it’s been a while since this thread was used, but it just seemed crazy to make a new thread for my review.

I want to try making strings, where should I start?

That is an awesome question. ;D Personally I would suggest starting out with two colors of thread. I personally suggest two large spools of Serger Polyester (Sometimes called Over Lock Polyester.) If your not opposed to Walmart most of there stores have a brand called “Sure-Lock” polyester. I really like the way it works it is really nice through many different tensions. All around I suggest that type first. If that don’t work for you I suggest “Maxi Lock Second” It’s a type that you’ll likely find in stores that are smaller business fabric stores. You can also go to Wawak and buy a couple of spools there. It’s a great string, but if you over tighten then it gets kind of thin and snappy. Still I love that brand too. Of course “Jo-Annes” has a fair gob of serger Polyester as well. (So now you got your threads)

Next you just gotta figure out how to twist it. You can use a Drill a Dremel, a Fishing Reel (My choice) ;D. You just gotta get something that will twist your threads.

Next line up 12 threads in an A to B Fashion (A to B being about twice as long as you want your stings plus about a foot to account for shrinking that occurs while twisting). Some people tie their thread to a hook of sorts at their point A and then anchor their thread at point B.

Once you have your 12 threads twist em till they turn on themselves, and then let the string sort of make itself.

Viola you have threads.

If you need help in the string making process PM me, and I can let you see my how to videos. They’ll let you see the basics, but i gotta warn you I invented my own way of doing stuff, and it’s a little unique.

Thanks alot!

I made my first few strings out of the dual duty xp thread and it worked out great, and I’m going to buy some sure lock polyester and make five packs of string.

Again thanks alot man, if I have any questions I’ll be sure to PM you.

Hey Buddy Jim, I make a lot of strings, and always love to tinker around with new threads for myself, and I was wondering, when you refer to how many passes you do, is that out and back or just out as 1? I count one pass as going out, around the hook, and then back. So when I say 5 passes I mean 5 times of going out and back, so essentially 10 threads. Do you understand what I mean?

Yes. I would count that as 2 passes (Pass as I understood it was a thread from A to B) So for all my pass suggestions half them. So when I say 10 do five. When I say five 2 and if your equitment allows it go out once not returning. I really tried to find a good even pass number, but I just didn’t have one for Mara 30. You can of course try 2 and 3 to see how they compare. Great question. I’ll put this in the review to clarify when I do my next edit.

I buy the biggest poly thread spool I can get. I tried rayon but it wears out super quick. Thanks for the thread thread.

You may be interested to know 6000 cones are pretty cheap at Wawak.

I use Dual Duty XP, and that is freaky good at whips. I know every string review/promotion has said that their string whips well, but Dual Duty XP is like lightning. It took me a while to get used to it, but its now the only string I can triple brent stole on.

Is that the nylon? Iuse that stuff all the time.

I recently ordered a ton of thread like this:, thinking it would be good, as everybody says they like embroidery thread strings. Well I ordered around 30ish spools. I get it, and it just doesnt seem to be working for me. Maybe it is how I make my strings, but I mean it seems like it doesnt hold tension at all. Has anybody else ever experienced this? Maybe you want to buy it off me? You could get it super cheap

No, it’s polyester covered polyester. Whatever that means.

Yeah, I like the all-purpose you can get at lots of stores. Once you figure out the correct recipe, it is awesome! Plays better than dragon in my opinion

How do you guy twist your string?

There are many ways you can twist string. I prefer a dremel, but when I make lefty string I use a cordless drill. You can also use a fishing real, a popsicle stick, a lathe, just about anything that spins. You could use a bike if you had something to hold the back tire off the ground

Ok, I had to use a pen with a paper clip sticking out of the end… I got the drill taken away…
