Thoughts on MagicYoYo

The only thing making me uncomfortable is your aggressive language. I wasn’t looking for a confrontation. I have plenty of that at work.

When you and I had a bst transaction, you were very kind and friendly and conscientious. When you spoke up on this thread, you sounded well informed and like you’ve studied this topic. I thought you’d provide links to articles or papers that would highlight your points and inform those of us willing to read them and who actually care about the moral implications of buying Magic yoyos. Personally, I know nothing about the Chinese economy or currency or how they compare to and affect the economies and currencies of capitalist nations. I also don’t know where to begin. You’ll have to pardon my cynicism if I don’t accept your statements as fact simply because you say they are.

I think you and I have different goals in this conversation. I wanted to be informed, you want to be right.

By the way, Magic yoyos are, in fact, sold in the United States.

I’m done with this thread.

@YoyoGeezer: I’m insulting the USA? I’m sorry you feel that way, that was not my intention. I do find it odd though, that of all the things you could brag about America doing/developing (world’s best microbreweries, forward thinkers, universities, sportsmen, generally high standards of living, the list is virtually endless, you guys are awesome!), you chose… Facebook? As if we don’t do enough of that already (sitting in front of the computer or TV). As I’ve said before, blind patriotism can often skewer one’s sense of reality.

To everyone else (you guys must be Canadian, right…? :slight_smile: ) who has contributed to this thread, thank you for sharing your insight and thoughts, it has been very interesting. However, at the risk i may insult an entire nation again, I think I’m done here.

Can’t we all just get along?

Since this turned out to be so wildly untrue, I’m wondering if YoyoGeezer is going to apologize.

(BTW, China’s CNC machine tool industry is second only to Germany’s.)

Wildly untrue? What part? Magic Yo is sold where in the USA? What retailer carries Magic Yo?

I could care less about China’s CNC industry. That it is large, in a country of over 1.2 Billion, is not surprising. It is a subsidized industry BECAUSE China is a Communist country. There is no Free market, there is no level-playing field. Making comparisons with truly open markets is meaningless and is only an attempt to legitimize the Chinese industry as an equal; which it is not.

That you do not agree with my opinions is fine with me.

Implying that I was nice when you personally dealt with me - but somehow I am now not nice, because you do not agree with my opinions; leaves a bit to be desired. Since we are not dating; it is irrelevant.

I have searched, Magic-Yo is only available from one place I can find. Why YYF has not filed a complaint is beyond me.

Everyone - this thread was created by people who are supporting Magic Yo. It is an attempt to stir up interest in this brand. I have told you why patronizing their wares is corrosive to this industry. I will not participate in its publicity and exposure anymore.

As consumer, Communist or Capitalist; you have to remember two things:

  1. If it is too good to be true - it usually is.
  2. You get what you pay for.


well we obviously can’t say which retailers sell them, but there are some located in the US that carry myy. A quick google search for “magic yoyo” will result in two stores within the first 2 pages

Made an account just to vouch for the Magic yoyo N5 for the following reasons:


  • Original design
  • Durable rims
  • Great bearing
  • Fast (feels 5g lighter than it is)
  • Comfy shape
  • Horizontal play
  • Massive catch zone


  • Too wide for certain tricks w/ short string
  • Lack of bead blasted option
  • Feels too good to be true for the price

It plays like nothing else out there because the undersized diameter + 45mm stepped catch zone + 69g weight means you have these two big masses spinning on the outside rims and an overall weight that is heavy for its size. What this does is you feel like you are using a 69g on the initial throw down, but once you start twirling and bouncing it feels like a 65g, while simply refusing to tilt like a 69g full size.

In other words, you get the largest benefits of an undersized (speed) and full sized (stability + spin time) in one yoyo.

Get one and see for yourself.

What is the level of the durability of Magic Yoyos? Is the durability level the same as Yoyojam Legacy?

It’s seemingly as durable as any other aluminum yoyo.

I’m not going to get into the scientific aspect of it, but I’ve dinged my T5 quite a few times… and it can take a hit just as well as any other yoyo I’ve owned.

I just got an amazon gift certificate, and I was wondering if the n11, t5, or n5 would be good choices. I have $25 to spend.

n11 if you can find one for under $25 shipped on that site.

Alright, thanks. I was eyeing the n11 but needed the reaffirmation from someone else. How does it play in comparison to, say, a Dv888?

I think N12 is close to the price of N11 and it’s better so you should consider that one too. If you are looking for something unique, N11 is up there, but if you are looking for performance, t5/n12/n5/n8 are better for their respective purposes.

T5 - full size standard, horizontals
N12 - full size wider, grinds + horizontals
N5 - undersize wide
N8 - undersize standard

N11 is not bad but other than looking cool I don’t see a reason to get it with the N12 out.

DV888 is a standard undersized, with high wall flat rims so it will not play anything like the almost full size butterfly shaped n11. That groove does next to nothing btw.

The reason I said the N11 is because you cannot find a N12 on the website he has a GC for for under $25 shipping.

If it was another certain auction site, then I would say N12.

Out of all the ones you mentioned, which do you believe plays the best?

I really like my T5. It is not as full sized as the n12, but is bigger than the T6.

T5 - mid-sized butterfly
T6 - smaller
N12 - full sized

I like my T5 and T6 the most, with the N12 close behind.

E-bay will be much cheaper than Amazon, but if the Amazon seller is shipping from China, it will not be any faster.

I believe each one plays best in the categories I already mentioned. If I had to pick one, I’d go N12 only because a grindable T5 is hard to find.

→ quick search on amazon(dot)com shows both N11 and N12 at $27-$28 shipped. The other models are all cheaper by a few dollars.

I love my t6. I tend to stick to DV888. This was cheap and stays in my work laptop bag just in case I get the urge.

So, I think I’ll get a T5. I like the shape. Thanks everyone for all the help!