Thoughts in the Satinav?

Is it any good? Looking to expand my c3 collection even more.

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Its like the vanitas, just backwards


It’s honestly a fantastic YoYo,


I think that pink blue and silver splash might be my fav splash colors I’ve ever seen


Ordered one during yoyoday and it’s supposed to arrive today. I’ll report back with some impressions when I get some initial play time


also I’m curious to know the plasma crash if anyone snagged one


The Plasma Crash is very good.


i have a plasma crash, honestly it plays very very similarly to the hydrogen crash, just in a smaller size


Oh that’s interesting, do you mind sharing your thoughts on this in terms of overall play feel?

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its a very stable throw due to its protruding/flat rims and has a solid amount of spin power. its an agile yoyo and it does not take much effort to get it moving or changing directions (slightly less effort than the hydrogen crash). it’s gapped perfectly and i never had any snagging issues with kitty fat. the specs on paper may not differ so much but in hand, it feels quite a bit smaller than the hydrogen crash. because of that, i personally prefer the hydrogen crash but i tend to prefer more full framed yoyos. But really you can’t go wrong with it, it’s a c3 performance yoyo and definitely plays the part!


I have to agree with everything @nappyrat said above, except that I like it more than the Hydrogen Crash for exactly those reasons. But I like undersized yoyos more than full sized.

I think it boils down to, do you have a preference for full sized? Hydrogen.
Do you have a preference for mid sized? Plasma.
Are you an incorrigible C3 fan boi like me? Both.


You sold me on this one, welp I guess plasma will be next on my cart list since I prefer its mid-ish diameter due to my current playstyle. Appreciate your swift response! :sparkles::bowing_man:t2:


I’m more of a 55mm diameter guy since its my sweet spot for my current tricksets (both technical and speed) and that’s why I owned a valkyrie due to its specs close for my preference.


Ok so my satinav finally arrived. I threw it around for 20 minutes. Note that I’ve never played a vanitas so I can’t draw any comparisons to it.

Initially I expected it to play like a graviton, considering it’s got a similar material combination, sizing and diameter/width proportion, but the graviton feels denser and has much more spin power.

The Satinav plays light-midlight, stable but not plasma crash stable. If I’m being honest it’s a great playing yo-yo but nothing remarkable that stands out or makes it unique. From a pricing standpoint I was expecting more. More what, I don’t know, but yo-yos are so good nowadays i guess it’s kinda hard to be groundbreaking?

Maybe I need to spend more time with it so that it “clicks”