Plasma Crash by C3yoyodesign! - A C3 Powerhouse!


Introducing the Plasma Crash, a variant of the Hydrogen Crash that is slightly smaller yet boasts even more spin time. With a slightly heavier build and a redesigned rim weight balance, the Plasma Crash offers a more solid feel and increased spinning power compared to the lighter and sharper Hydrogen Crash, while retaining its sharpness.

Dark-Blue-Red-Silver-Splash-PlasmaCrash Dark-Blue-Red-Silver-Splash-PlasmaCrash-02 Dark-Blue-Red-Silver-Splash-PlasmaCrash-03

The subtle differences become more pronounced with prolonged use, inspiring experimentation with new tricks and enhancing the yo-yo’s reliability. Additionally, the Plasma Crash maintains a wide size but is slightly smaller than the Hydrogen Crash, lessening the risk of hitting fingers and facilitating direction changes.


Looks wild. Cool engraving and nice splash pattern.

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This Yoyo is crazy powerful, just like the galaxy diver but faster.