Hydrogen crash or Plasma crash

  • Hydrogen Crash
  • Plasma Crash
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Which one do you think is better?

I like them both but i like Hydrogen crash the most.

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Both are great but only one yoyo is Hydrogen Crash. Hydrogen crash has a unique balance of extreme speed and power that is unmatched. Plasma Crash is good but it feels ever so slightly more reluctant than the Hydrogen Crash is. That also being said Plasma Crash is slightly easier to control. Either way, Hydrogen Crash is my favorite yoyo so this is a no-brainer for me.


I know its not in the options but Digamma crash. Ive tried hydrogen and digamma and I prefer the digamma by some margin. Digamma has more power and just moves at a great pace. Hydrogen crash isnt underpowered but definitely feels lighter and less stable when compared to digamma.

Hydrogen crash solos

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