I’ve been in the yo-yo community for a while now. And I have never been more excited to share something with you guys.
This is a project that’s been in the works for well over a year: my own signature edition. Presented on Sengoku’s new flagship yo-yo.
Julio first approached me with the idea of designing a signature edition of a new yo-yo he was working on around Christmas of 2020.
I was incredibly excited, and went through dozens of ideas of what I wanted. Eventually, I created this, and I am very pleased with it. I am looking forward to telling you more about my thought process behind it as the yo-yo releases soon.
The yo-yo itself took a very long time to get right, and required more prototypes than any before. Julio describes it as the best Sengoku to date as far as straight line performance, but it also has just a twist of slightly midsize fun to it.
It has been such an honor to be on a team as high speed as Sengoku (seriously, I have no idea what I’m doing there), and even more to have my name on an edition of THE flagship model.
Only a few of these yoyos will have this special engraving. I hope that they go to wonderful new homes, and bring their new owners as much joy as they’ve brought me.