Things not to say to a yoyoer

OK, I’ll feed the troll. :wink: I can only speak for myself, but I can only say that I thought it kinda sucked, too… I was only arguing against the fact that it wasn’t a slap in the face to anyone. Don’t conflate those two things!

Of course, I was just tickling a few people :slight_smile:

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I mean, his performance did suck, but it was funny.

“Why is your string yellow? That looks weird.”

Thread is gone. Bye thread.

Not looked through the whole thread so don’t know if these are on here but…
“that’s a cheating yoyo”, “how do you get it back up/wind it up?” and “is that an electric yoyo?” are all pretty annoying things to say.

Never tell a yoyoer, ‘My IQ is 178’.



“I want to murder your entire family and also kick small puppies.”

In all seriousness, the most annoying things I hear are “Asian!” or like “How do you do that?!?!?!” The second one just irks me for some reason. I used to say “practice” but that got cliche so now I say a random hallucinogen/stimulant and steroids.

I also get these days from some if the older fellas “cotton string is the best kind of string you need to use cotton that’s what I used!”

“Yoyos are so hightech these days!”

and of course “kendamas are better!”

How are kendamas better in any way? I just don’t get it. You can do like 5 tricks with kendamas. And I cant do them haha.

Are you like, part Asian or something.

there are vastly more than 5 tricks. You can do some insane stuff on a Kendama.

Well there are 5 things you can do, than you can combine a bunch and make insane combos and stuff. But nowhere near as insane as yoyo tricks.

My Neighbor saw me looping in my backyard, and came over and was like “so, you gonna show me how to do that?” then I just let him try and pulled out my civility, which of course was then asked the bind question, then he sleeps my looper and asks, “okay, so how do I bind it?” -.-

" Is that thing even spinning"
" I bet thats super easy. Give so I can do it" (And then they ding it)

I get this everyday.

I walk down to Wendy’s to get a Burger and this kid just walks up to me and says “Uhh, could I use that, I used to be a yoyo god back in da’ day”. He was 7 years old :smiley: I said close your eyes and I switch the yoyo to my Freehand Zero and give it to him. I buy my burger and walk out.

He runs out and said “Yoyo forgot your yoyo”. I let him keep it since I never use it and he was having a ball with it walking out


“You suck at yoyoing bro.”
“Isn’t that someone’s trick?”
“Let play video games instead of yoyoing.”
“I’m totally better then you!”( even though they never heard of unresponsive yoyos)
“I’m a world champion!” (Even though they aren’t)

“my kids went through that phase” >:(

I get that one qute often aswell.

Cool story BTW you got some nice little kid into yoyoing Mabe he’ll stick with it.