Thesis Paladin vs CLYW boy

I’m temp on getting either Thesis Paladin or CLYW boy but I can’t really decide. Since it is hard to tell how they perform and feel just through reading replies, i will decide which one to go for by its minimum sleeper time (simply drop the yoyo without any force, let it spin and time it). I know its not optimal and not a good way to pick a yoyo by its sleeper time but that’s just my preference. So if any of you own either Thesis Paladin or CLYW boy, time your yoyo and let me know the time please. Thanks!

2 medium throws averaged around 1:10
2 hard throws averaged around 3:30

Mind you, i haven’t cleaned this bearing in over a month so a clean dry bearing may spin longer but 3 minutes isn’t bad.

Appreciate the info man!

The boy is going to have way less spin time because it’s a monometal and paladin is a bimetal

Boy. Near mint. Stock bearing. Brand new regular MonkeyfingerR Vine.

15 seconds max. before tilting over.

FWIW, I tested a few other yoyos and they are all in the same range using this test even though they are not similar performers at all.

I’m assuming twisting the string (like in long sleeper contests) isn’t part of this? I have a yoyo with a grooved bearing that got >2 minute drop sleeper with string adjustments, and ~40 seconds without (timed to exhaustion)

Personally I prefer the boy due to its floaty nature, whereas the paladin is much more powerful being a bimetal, and therefore has longer spin times. But I loved the boy so much I bought 2 so I might be a bit biased

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sorry i missed the fact that you asked for a no force drop. just did one and it was about 38 seconds.

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Did you twist the string or just simply drop it and let gravity do the job?

it was wrapped around the yoyo bearing and rolled off my hand, no force applied just gravity. in doing a couple of these, it really depends on how centered the string and yoyo are. if the string touches the pads it can cause it to slow or spin out sooner.

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