Hey; at least they are cool enough to stay off the Forums.
So they have to be cooler than us.
Think about it… Think of all the people you are aware of; that throw competitively. All the guys on all the yoyo cards. All the guys that have signature yoyos. All the sponsored players on all the yoyo teams Worlswide.
…let’s just consider the sum total to be several hundred throwers.
Now; get out a very small piece of tablet paper. And a pen that is almost out of ink.
And write down the name of every player you see posting on this Forum.
A co-worker I knew for a month (moved far away) was a great thrower and told me he learned everything from YYE videos but never joined or looked at this forum. He taught me trapeze and some things and I was amazed at his skills but he said it was just a hobby amongst others. He never carried a yoyo with him and didn’t even know where his was.
If we could get the numbers of different customers from all the different online stores, the number of people who check in here and r/ even if they do not post, the commenters on youtube yoyo vids that are not users of any yoyo social media.
I would speculate most of the serious collectors stay off (or at least just lurk and not post) due to being flooded with begs, offers, and questions and the gems they show in a pic.
True. I just imagined the comment sections of yoyo YT channels. Everyone asks for free yoyos, even for random stuff. They’re probably better off staying quiet
Haven’t used any of the platforms in years and years.
I realized that out of the hundreds of “friends” I had, I only spoke to maybe 10 of them in real life. I’d never see the vast majority of these people ever again, nor did I care to, so why was I going to “like” what they had for brunch?
Ive kind of grown to dislike social media really. It seems to me that it’s basically all gossiping in the digital age. People wanting to see the ups and downs of everyone else life, hoping to feel validated or superior. Too much drama for me
I can honestly say I don’t miss Facebook at all. If anyone wants to get in touch with me, they’ll call me. Anyone else, can mind their own business.
God I’m way too young to be such a grumpy old man haha
Same, I deleted mine almost three years ago. Couldn’t handle all the drama and pseudo science/news/politics being regurgitated by people who never care to do actual research into those matters. So glad I got out of that.
This forum, Reddit and Instagram are the only forms of SM I currently use. Reddit has it’s ups and downs, but people crack me up constantly, I mainly stay for the memes. Insta is a lot more laid back than FB too. And the people here are alright I guess… haha, no they’re cool
The throwers community is THE nicest, most supportive, inspirational and fun communities I’ve ever had the pleasure to be a part of; no matter what platform they’re on. I’m sure they are just as, if not more awesome in person!
The point you made about people just trying to broadcast how cool/smart/kind they are is exactly what I was getting at. And you’re right, it’s only surface level, without anything deeper being passed off as profound.
I’m on Reddit quite a bit too, but I don’t consider that SM, more a message board IMO. I rarely post though.
I’ve actually been posting here, because like you said, this community is frickin AWESOME. I haven’t encountered anything like this anywhere. I’m really looking forward to meeting some of these people, because if their online presence is any indication, yoyo people are the shtuff
i have a plan to actually count the number of throwers. lets assume the throwers that dont have social media at least comment on youtube videos.
So then we go on a atleast 5 yoyo channels, pick out the ‘good comments’ write the commentator’s names on a google doc. each time you get one, use ctrl f to see if youve already written it. Then you take that number and add it to the amount of underrated yoyoers on the wikia, and then the number of yoyo channels, the number of people on this forum and then youve got yourself a rough estimate.
Yeah, yo-yo sales numbers would also give you a rough idea how many people are buying yo-yos. But I also like your idea, which would capture active player data … anywhere you can obtain concrete data is good!