There are probably some really cool throwers who do not use any form of social media

More proof my ability is low.




I left social media at almost that exact same time. Honestly, it was when Trump began campaigning that I decided to get rid of FB for good. Almost over night my feed was becoming more volatile.


Dude, same! We really dodged a bullet there lol


I quit FB years ago for similar reasons. I have no interest in hearing everyone’s opinion on hot topic issues especially since everyone with a phone or keyboard and the ability to share a link thinks they are very, very smart. I post my art in several places that others do the same and I’m on this forum. My whole family is on FB and they try to get me on there. Nope. Sorry.


I’ve been that guy though. Atleast on one occasion. Asking for free stuff is tacky and it puts people on the spot. No bueno :-1:


I quit FB a few years ago, Right when I started yoyoing in fact. It was lowering my vibe and making me feel worse. I quit it like cigarettes, cold turkey, and never looked back.


The contention has always been that the number of people on yoyo forums is only a small percentage of the actual players. Of course I have no solid data, it’s all hearsay. :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:


Nope, this is all the yo-yoers there are. Just the people who post here.


I agree. The sales numbers from the major vendors would be a much more accurate measurement of the number of players worldwide. But to be even remotely close you would have to go by the number of user accounts making purchases instead of total yoyos sold. There would be no way to permit the retailers to disclose that information. Even then there would not be a way to account for single users that have multiple accounts across different vendors.

Still, I like your idea and wish there was some sort of documented estimate of how many people yoyo across the world.


Write to governments all over the world and ask them to put a yoyo question in their census.


Sry to resurrect an old thread, but I was reading through it and found it interesting that the general consensus is that the number of throwers on the forum is very small.

While I don’t believe it’s anywhere near even a majority of yoyo players, I do think that a decent segment of the people into this hobby at least read here, if not posting as well

It seems like you pretty much HAVE to buy yoyos online if you want anything more than a Target Duncan Butterfly. Also, it seems like these same sites selling throws are where people visit to learn new tricks via the tutorial videos and whatnot.

Seeing as how YYE is inarguably one of THE very few sites of this nature, I would think that people would also be checking out the forum section while they’re on the site anyway.

And obviously, anyone that clicks that magical “forum” tab in the drop down menu is immediately hooked by the lovely, intelligent, and all around perfect people that populate this place hehe.

Am I overestimating this, or does this make any sort if sense? Im genuinely curious as to how popular forums are in such a niche hobby as ours


Go click the little drop-down menu beside your avatar up on the right hand side, then click on users. That can show you stats on registered users.

If you click on each column header, it will reorganize the stats from highest to lowest in that particular column, and if you click on them twice, it will organize it lowest to highest.

If you had moderator access you could even see how many Anonymous users come through. I have a pretty decent amount of traffic on this form, actually.


These days, I do feel extremely visual “social networks” are more amenable to yo-yoing. Particularly Instagram. :framed_picture:

Pictures can’t carry all meaning, though. Words are primarily how humans managed to get to where we are today. I think of @edhaponik as the patron saint of eloquent yo-yo-ing.


It must be said that the word usements I structure tended to manifest the outshining eagles of language-talk. Sincere thanks!

More on topic, social media as a whole has really brought me down lately. I deactivated FB awhile back and Twitter just today. From a yo-yo perspective, I definitely get the most out of Instagram because of its capacity to share/express trick ideas quickly and visually, but even that wears on me, as there’s always a kind of latent “compulsion” to share. It kinda begs the question as to whether one CAN be a relevant player without them (or to what extent that sort of relevancy even matters). Some people are really good about striking the right balance between using these sites and overusing them, but it’s something I’ve struggled with, and the changes to the algorithms which help organize their respective feeds have only exacerbated my issues with them.


:notes: “killin me softly with his words”

For real though, this is truth


I am only on this forum. I really left Facebook in 2014.i use WhatsApp but rarely.i don’t use Instagram also,and twitter becomes boring after sometime of use. All I want is a good job and I am preparing for interviews and exam.Actually no one cares for anyone. For being happy I don’t need social media. Yoyoing,gym,music,books, this blog, family are enough.


I thought the prevailing attitude today was that if you aren’t on social media you basically don’t exist. I recall Emma Stone’s character, Sam, from the movie Birdman putting it like this (she’s confronting her father):

“Things are happening in a place that you ignore, a place that, by the way, has already forgotten about you. I mean, who the heck are you?! You hate bloggers, you mock Twitter, you don’t even have a Facebook page. You’re the one who doesn’t exist.”


It’s a choice many people waste their time of Facebook scrolling and other social media.

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On the one hand, the more people rely upon these mechanisms for business, social change, sharing ideas, etc, then the more this becomes true. But on the other, the more they ubiquitous and inextricable they are from modern life, the more it becomes important to be ABLE to use them in moderation, or to escape from them when/if that feels impossible.

If you feel like you don’t exist except as viewed through these lenses, then it’s important to demonstrate to yourself that you DO.