The Yoyorecreation LASER is BACK!

yoyorecreation is a company always looking to advance the sport of yo-yoing. With every new throw they create they are striving to break the limitations of the standard metal yo-yo and create something revolutionary. And their newest yo-yo – The Laser – does exactly that!

The design team at yoyorecreation really took it to the next level when they were designing The Laser. The beautiful rounded v-shape is a familiar shape with some other yoyorecreation throws, but where The Laser really stands out is the addition of a precision weight ring on the inner side. They created the ring out of heavier stainless steel to give this new yo-yo an amazing and unique feel.

The Laser made its first public appearance in 2013 at the World Yo-Yo Contest as Yasuki Tachibana’s weapon of choice, and with The Laser in his hands Yasuki was able to clinch the 3A 3rd place title!

This new yoyorecreation throw is perfectly weighted, unbelievably long spinning, and once you watch Yasuki Tachibana perform you will understand the true power and potential of the Laser!

still “another grade of 7075”
oh lolderp still better than those dupe sentences at the anglam cc page

YYF Space Cowboy and many YYJ bi-metals sell for under $130 proving the production couldn’t cost THAT much more.

YYJ bimetals are 2 aluminums, not steel. It is harder to machine steel rings then aluminum.

Im pretty sure the Space Cowboy is 6061, and I believe is made in China, which is why it’s cheaper.

The player is more important then the yoyo. There’s no doubt in my mind that some players could win Worlds with a Classic, but something like a Summit is clearly better.

Your comment about the price compared to other yoyos, it’s clear you haven’t played many high-end Japanese bimetals or experienced the Laser. OK so YYF can make a Chinese bimetal for $120, and YYJ makes some mediocre stuff for less, sorry that doesn’t change the fact that YYR is hitting the ball out of the park lately and prices are actually fairly reasonable, all things considered.


Back on topic… very tempted, as she sure is pretty, but I really can’t excuse myself for buying another YYR just yet. I only got my second Draupnir like a month ago. :stuck_out_tongue:


YYJ bi metals are either brass or titanium. In theory, the Next Level should have higher rim weight than the Draupnir, since the rim is brass, which is denser.

size of the rings matters
The next level also has an arguably better shape for stability, especially horizontal. Such a shame its too heavy and has a subpar gap wall design.

Cleaned up this thread a bit. We unfortunately priced it wrong initially - we apologize for the confusion.