The Shape Game

Yeah, that one is pretty sleek. It’s an Empire Sun (delrin).

We made it to #20. You guys should identify this one immediately:

Definitely H. Is that an ILYY Noctu I see?

You got it! It’s a Noctu. Such a fashionable H at that. I’ve heard people call H yo-yos “ugly,” but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I tend to prefer playing H shapes.


I freaking love the noctu!

I think that would be more of a classic or v shape

What I like to say is Organic is like Classical Music. Refined taste. H Shape is like Modern Music. Conventional. You can choose to appreciate both or one. Some (many kids) will completely shun Organic just like many kids nowadays have shunned classical. Not a perfect analogy, but you get my drift.

Put so eloquently YoyoJordan. :wink: That last one was a YYJ Legacy.

Dynikus, I love the Noctu as well. Some thought it was “uncomfortable” due to the sharp edges, but it felt very good in my hands. Very nice playing and beautiful yo-yo.

Now for the next one #22:

I would say that’s without a doubt an organic or classic butterfly shape.

Have you tried the original undersized noctu?

Definitely organic. That was a Dif-E-Yo Rev 1 Overrhaul. I totally forgot there was another version of the Noctu, until now. I bet it plays just as awesome too. Do you have that one?


Stepped butterfly.

It’s so strange looking at the yoyos without looking at prices or names or logos… It really forces to actually look at the yoyo.

Yeah, it makes you want to draw up your own design…in a weird sort of way. I may start doodling yo-yos from now on. I usually prefer stars and three dimensional basic shapes…but now, I think it will be yo-yos…in the margins of all my notes. ;D

How about # 24?

Well, It’s not V or H… It’s either a curvier version of protostar, or a stepped butterfly. The yoyo is an Oxygene Io right?


#23 was an io…correct. What are your thoughts on the last one…#24, similar color to the last one too.

Some of these will be gimmies like the last one haha.


Does the Protostar really get its own shape? I think a lot of people here agree (or maybe not), that the Protostar is a regular old H shape. There are a lot of yoyos with the exact same shape of the Protostar, and I have never seen it called “Protostar shape”, it’s always been “H shape” or “Hourglass”.

Anyways, I think the KLR (whoops, read it wrong earlier) was easily identifiable as a V, or maybe an “Organic V”.

You say the above is a gimmie, but I’m having trouble with it! I’m going with my gut and saying H though. Are we agreeing that flat rims automatically indicates an H shape, or does there have to be a step? I went by this, that is why I say H, but it could be a V with flat rims…

Sorry for confusing things. I forgot to mention that the last V shaped blue yo-yo was a KLR. That was the gimmie, not the very last one I posted.

#25, the black yo-yo… I think we decided that the H had to have the step…or lip, where the yo-yo meets the rim. But, since then, a few people have still called them an H. Which goes to show you that people are looking at different aspects to describe them. I had never heard of the “Protostar” shape until this thread. So, that’s a very new description for me. I’m learning all kinds of terms, and I guess I’ll have to decide what I will add to my vocabulary. Same for you Big Cat. The only real consistent ones are the organic ones…but even then, they are not always purely organic, so we will just be as descriptive as we can. That will be the fun of this.

The last one was a Rebel Yo Macrocosm.

Now…for #26:

Well, “Protostar” is kind of my own term, I just find that shape on many yoyos, so I decided to give it a name.

I call tht square

Hmmm…would you say modified maybe? :-\