The Redacted

I was going to post this in the giveaway thread, but figured it deserved it’s own topic.

I just got the YYWS Redacted in the mail yesterday! Thanks again to @yoyoworkshop_wayne for putting the on the giveaway and @aszyd for passing on the first place prize!

This is my first bimetal yoyo and I can already see what I’ve been missing. This is so much more stable than my monometals and spins seemingly forever. It’s also GLASS smooth out of the box.

After spending the night with it (my wife wasn’t to happy about sharing the bed-- her critique: yoyos apparently get cold in Maine) these are my thoughts:

There are some yoyos that make you feel like a novice again, making landing even basic tricks frustrating. They can sometimes feel more like work than play. And there are yoyos that make you feel like you’re better than you actually are; they give you a boost of confidence because you can actually finish longer combos and and they help you find a state of flow.

The Redacted send to fit squarely in the second camp for me. I like this yoyo. A lot. I stayed up half the night playing with it. It’s JUST my shape. It makes me feel like I can land tricks, and gives me the stability to correct mistakes. This is the second YYWS yoyo I’ve got now, and they’re both out of this world. I’m sold. I’m a fan. I’m ready for the Capstan '22!

I’m also ready to further explore the world of bimetals, I think…



Glad you’re enjoying it!

Edit: I also like the fact that you crossed out the eyes of the teddy bear in not one, but both pictures. hahaha