The next yoyo I should try..

Here is the list of yoyos I own. I really enjoy getting the feel of a new throw but I dont have any friends who play that can recommend anything or provide me with anything to try. So I come to you. Judging by the list I provided, what am I missing? Which brand should I dip into next?

Dark Magic 1
Half and Half

As a sidenote I like slightly undersized yoyos.

I would get a DM 1. But good luck finding one. They aren’t manufactured anymore :frowning: which is a little disappointing. You would have to get one in the bst section of these forums. It sleeps long, little maintainance required, great grinds, relatively cheap, and great for learning tricks on.

Good luck finding a DM1. :wink:

DM1? is that the Dark Magic 1? I should have been more clear, but if that is what you are saying then the list I provided is what I have not what I am interested in, if not then a link would be appreciated.

What is your price range? If there is no limit, I would recommend the ENEME or the One Drop Y-factor.

Try a Yoyorecreation Messiah.
Yoyorecreation yoyos are the smoothest i’ve ever thrown. If you can afford and find it, get it.

I would like to keep it under the $130 break point. Other than that I appreciate opinions I hope to hear more !

NOTHING. GO for novelty/fun yoyos. I was personally thinking of getting a 3yo3 for myself… all the customizability and dyes and stuff… ::slight_smile:

Or a mighty flea. But if you keep buying yoyos like that… one day, you’re gonna have an attic full of yoyos, and just 1 in your pocket…

i just got an E1NS and it is super smooth, a little undersized, plays a little heavy, and is very stable.

Get a Hitman Pro if you like undersized. I just got mine and its AWESOME!!! SOOOOOO SMOOTH!!! Well worth the $43

Right now I am looking at a Onedrop Y factor or a Battosai. But I change my mind every day it seems like.

The Hitman Pro is AWESOME. Oh, the SFX too. And… YYJ AI is one of my favourite.

u need a CLYW they are awesome, i have a sasquatch and love it :slight_smile:

popstar is realy undersized. :wink:

Get a custom painted yoyo.

Get one that doesn’t look appealing to you.

Get a wooden axle yoyo.

Try a new style, get a Fiesta or a pair loopers.

Instead of getting a new yoyo, get a counterweight and play 5a

Get another of your favorite yoyos, play some 3A