the golden rule of yoyo production, at least towards weight. Always seems that it is 66.7 66.4 66.6
66.7 is the true mack daddy of weight. which i love it. cuz it is what i look for. Is this a desired weight by most companies, or a preferred weight by most professional throwers? Or is it just a production curb. Just due to material. is it more Simple to use a CAD and buff out this weight with most designs?..i dunno i just notice that my beloved weight shows up in alot of throws. Enlighten my brain pls, or just throw in you fav weight. i dunno just needed to state this >:( >:( >:( >:( ;D ;D ;D ;D
:-* ???
I think it’s just the fact that it’s such an inoffensive weight. It’s pretty much middle of the road in terms of weight so it’s more likely to appeal to a wider audience.
Some people prefer lighter throws and some people prefer heavier, but either are more likely to pick up a middle-weight than something further on the other side of their preference spectrum.
It’s the lightest weight that will give yoyos enough spin time to do a decent length of combos. The reason you would want a light yoyo instead of a heavier one is that you can move it faster and it is less tiring to play with it. If you don’t care about either of those factors, you might as well get an 80g yoyo. They spin longer(generally), and they are more exercise to play with.
I personally tend to favor 64-65g full size within the middle between full rim weight and even weight. Yoyos used to be like 65ish in the past IIRC and 67g seemed rather heavy back then, still is.
However, weight distribution plays a huge role on how we perceive “weight”, less rim weight usually feels somewhat lighter than full rim weight, because there is less resistance upon throw.
I agree with this. However, once the yoyo is spinning, all only the mass affects how heavy it feels. That’s why I don’t really mind having a yoyo with a lot of rim weight. There is more resistence in the throw, but I will gladly trade that for extra spin time. I think a common misconception is that weight distribution affects speed. It doesn’t.
65g throws are the only ones that spin long? lol
yeah lol that’s not really true at all. Anyone heard of the Draupnir?
if i ever get a signature throw its going to be 66.6 grams. Thats all i know.
I enjoy all yo-yos (I’ve tried) despite mass.
Phenom /topic
Siriusly, a yoyo does not move in a straight linear trajectory. The same mechanics apply on a yoyo spinning and a yoyo orbiting your finger because of parallel axis theorem. For the same reason a rim weighted yoyo stores more energy than a evenly distributed one when spinning at the same speed, it also requires more energy/force input to orbit your finger at the same speed.
I do not believe there is a golden rule.
throwing a yoyo is a very personal thing. all weights are good a far a I am concerned.
after starting to teach/reteach older folks at the senior center to throw again most are drawn toward the
62 grams and up throws. most like the “average” to heavier yoyo.
I like yoyos 61-64 grams the best.
Yeah, there is no golden rule about yoyo pmanufacture.
Lots of Manufacturers’ Golden Rule: Make something that isn’t terrible
Pretty boring weight imo. Love the 60g-64g area.
Probably right there.
I thought the golden rule was “treat your yoyos the way you want them to treat you”…
In other words, don’t ding your yoyos, and when they snag and hit you in the face, they won’t be as sharp and won’t hurt as much.
You know, I’ve only dinged one throw, and it’s the only one I’ve hit myself in the head with. There might be something to this idea of yoyo karma…
My favorite yoyos are 68 grams plus. My Magnum weights 70 grams