Writing reviews, Like a BAAWWS! Posting pictures, Like BAAWWS! Stopping joke now, Like a BAAWWS! Okay, that is out of my system… for now. If you did not get that joke, then you need to do a YouTube search on “Like a Boss.” Kids, get parents permission, it is pretty in your face. This review however, is something that is safe for everyone. You know what is also safe for everyone? Augie Fash. That guy is a walking, talking, awesome machine. When he yo-yos, you can just tell he is having the time of his life. Whether he is surrounded with kids at the Chico Club or eating Jelly Beans in your home office, he is a grateful and honest person that you just love to be around. His last signature yo-yo was the G5+, the parental figure to the Superstar (compare them, you’ll see). His new signature yo-yo is smaller, slimmer, and speedier (Kinda like Augie himself, congrats on the weight loss bro!) You saw pictures of it here first at, and now we have a review. I present to you, one of YoYoFactory’s latest and Augies new signature yo-yo, The Boss!
Read the Review at
Come for the review, stay for the jokes!
Amazing review as usual!
i want a boss now
Ahhh Dr Yoyo, another amazing review…
I normaly dont like rounded yoyos but Dr. Yoyo’s smooth way of talking is making me look forwards till thursday… I think Im going to buy one…
Thanks for the review Doc!
Yeah, great review! ;D
Amazing review!
as usual.