OHHHHH, that was sweet, really fricking smooth to!!!

Wow, awesome~! BTW: Augie I got a red boss and man I LOVE it!

Those behing the back tricks were so awesome and smooth.

I luvs Augie Fash.

augie ftw.

Okay, it’s official. Your the greatest yoyoer ever.

Pretty awesome if i do say so myself :smiley:

This is BOSS

I luv you AUGIE!!!


your cool tricks :slight_smile:

I love, you Augie… your awesome.

I’ve only been saying this forever…

Your like a BAAWWs!!!..

Sweet Vid. :wink:

sick yoyo

Augie, I love you to death. I didn’t know you were that good.

Wow, just wow…
I always be your #1 fan!

Happy Throwing! =]

Don’t you mean you are HIS #1 fan?

those behind the back combos were amazing

Augie, I would really like to see a Motion Sickness 2, :).
All these years later and I still can’t do those “airs”, haha.

er, uh please that last part was unnecessary. =kids go on here y’know.