The best bimetal yo-yo of all time.. OF ALL TIME!

Personally I think what is more interesting in bimetal design is when the bimetal rim extends far over the edge (and in fact is the entirety of the edge) in a handful of yoyos like the Alta and Haymaker X.


Compare with other typical bimetal designs

  • outer rings “above” the aluminum (edge)
  • inner rings “below” the aluminum (cognition)
  • edge rings in an embedded “sandwich” layer (grasshopper x, pound)
  • edge rings extending out beyond the aluminum (haymaker x)

The full edge design seen in the Haymaker X and Alta are clearly impossible with aluminum in any form, but people don’t seem to think it’s revolutionary or anything.

(I am not sure but maybe the upcoming Edge Beyond does this as well? Clearly YYF is experimenting with this since the Alta is theirs, and quite new.)