The Aurora Project Two

Well redid this one because I wasnt happy with it the first time… Now I am happy :slight_smile:

Based off a Apple wallpaper called Aurora

Airbrushed and Clear Coated.
The body is iridescent purple which gives off a lighter purple on the highlights depending on the angle, the inside of the catch area and front of the rims is painted in a custom mixed pink color.

This yoyo is absolutely gorgeous! You may have to get into the painting yoyo business ;).

yet another paint job that has impressed me ;D

You should of done the blue version too…

Yup i agree. This one is even better than the last one. Awesome work Brett!

Amazing, how does it grind? just wondering


Thants the best looking Project 2 ever!!! :o

Usually whenever a yoyo is painted, it doesn’t grind very well. You need the texture of the anodizing or bead/soda blasting to make for good grinds. Painting fills in this texture thereby making it very smooth. Please correct if I’m wrong however. :slight_smile:

thanks ;D