The 5a May Discussion Thread

Awww, poor yoyo! sniff :cry:

Agreed. There are times to worry about your yoyos, and times to worry about the things around you. Unless your outside without houses, cars, ect. around 5a is a time to worry about everything you could damage (and what could happen to you if you damage it). :wink:

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Sorry that I wasn’t able to get out any videos this weekend. My 5a May series will resume tomorrow with four videos to make up or the lost days.

It will get beat :cry:

but they look amazing for 5a

Three videos today! Learn some basic Magic Knot tricks, Double Propeller, and Isolated Stall.

I like the Isolated Stall, Double Propeller is cool except Rafael Mutsunaga all ready has a 5A trick with that name, and Magic Not is almost the exact trick you already posted.

You are very skilled at 5A but it seems you lack knowlede of general yoyo trick history.

I’ve always heard of the trick in my double propeller video referred to as double propeller from multiple sources.

Magic Knot video was similar, but this one went more in depth with how to actually perform the basics. The original video demonstrated the most stable and least likely to come undone magic knot I’m aware of, which makes learning the magic knot tricks considerably easier. A video coming later on in the month will showcase some much more difficult magic knot tricks. I figured it’s most important to learn the base trick, then the basics, then the advanced stuff.

I’d agree that I lack trick history knowledge. With my somewhat short time in the community and thousands of unique trick names, it’s tough to keep up.

The problem with Magic Not is that the “base trick” is a 1a trick. The second video added nothing that you didn’t already show in the first one.

There are really only a few fundamental 5A tricks with names. Simple google searches would help you a lot.

Well I for one don’t care if the names are correct or not. I’m just glad somebody is making quality 5A tutorials for once.

The fact that you believe these are quality tutorials is the problem.

There are a lot of new/young people on this board that need to be lead the way. How can someone teach and lead, and they don’t know where we are coming from or were there going? I’m proud of him for stepping up and trying, but it just seems like he isn’t trying very hard or doesn’t know any better. I was really looking forward to these.

I don’t want to full on blast the guy cause he is trying. People just need to know that there are better and more professional tutorials to learn 5A from.

Jon bro, calm yourself.

The only other 5a tutorials are Miguel Correa and he barely explains anything. If there are more “high quality” tutorials give us some links.

There is nothing wrong with a “younger person” leading the way. The old guys have to retire and let new ones take over eventually.

I think your jealous of Jake’s tricks, no?

I am calm bro.

I actually like some of Jakes tricks and I have learned a few of them.

If you believe Jakes tutorials are on par with Miggy’s then just keep waiting for Jakes. I’m not gonna debate foolishness.

Can you point me to some? All I’ve seen is the same 10 - 20 tricks covered by a handful of people/companies, plus Miggy’s tutorials.

I learned from the old Duncan How to be a Player DVD.  It was really good for the time.

One google search lead me to this site

The lighting is better, looks more professional and has slow mo.

YYF had some good tutorials for the last 5A promotion… You will have to look for them.

Miggy’s videos are top notch.

Jakes videos are good, the tricks are good.  My biggest beef is Jake using the names “one handed helicopter” and “double propeller” when they already exist.  It’s confusing for people that don’t know any better.  Jake should know better or cross check using google.

I’ve probably put more time into mastering Swing Mount than any other element I know. Getting it consistent is very tough. However, it is a versatile trick that easy leads into arm rebounds and body tricks.

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I’ve seen all those tutorials. Now I watched them out of the order they were produced so keep that in mind. My perspective is that of someone trying to learn new tricks within the past six months or so.

Anyway, those tutorials do have higher production value but yotricks has only a handful of the most basic 5A tricks. The YYF 5A May tricks had good production value but had several problems. Except for the hubstack tricks there were only like 4-5 tricks that Miggy doesn’t also do (and he does a better job). Also they are too short. When you excise the music and the introduction most of the tricks have about 30-40 seconds of explanation including the slow-mo.

I agree Miggy has the best collection. Great production value, the best lighting, he stops and starts, has slow-mo, etc., and has a large number of tricks in the series. But they’re a bit old at this point.

And maybe the Duncan tutorials were good for their time but they’re woefully inadequate now. They cover only the most basic tricks and spend very little time on them.

What I should have said earlier is that there haven’t been any NEW 5A tutorials of any quality in a long time. I’m glad to see Jake’s tricks and most of these I haven’t seen before. The production value could be better, yeah. If he had an expensive camera maybe we could get slow-mo. If he weren’t putting out one every day maybe he’d have time to set up a lot of different angles, etc. I don’t know. I just appreciate the effort and I do find it helpful. Whether someone like yourself, a veteran player of some standing, finds them helpful, I couldn’t say. But I don’t think people like you are the intended audience.

Besides none of this is really Jake’s fault…yoyo companies aren’t aloud to put out 5A tutorials thanks to Duncan’s lawsuits. The YYF tutorials had good production value but they also got taken down because YYF was making them. Duncan says only individuals can put up tutorials, so they’re limited by whatever equipment they have or can afford.

@Jake the only thing about the production value you could easily fix would be not to use a green yoyo in an outdoor environment. In a lot of the vids the yoyo is hard to see because of the grass and shrubs in the background. If you don’t have a different color I guess just try to get away from the grass and shrubs and get in front of a fence or something. Black backgrounds are ideal but you’re not going to find those outdoors, and if you shoot indoors you need way better lighting than you had earlier. My 2 cents…

I really gotta get around to recording my 5Amay trick.

Learn Hideo Ishida’s 5a trick bind that he used in his 2012 World Yoyo Contest performance and Undermount Figure 8’s! is giving away some of my delrin counterweights. you can win one by sharing your favorite yoyonews 5a May content on Facebook and tagging it with #5aMay.

If you’re into 5a, you don’t want to miss this opportunity.

Dice Grind!

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I’m into 5A but not into facebook. Sadly, I’ll pass.

How’d you learn to machine delrin counterweights anyway?