The 0A Thread (Fixed Axle & Modern Responsive)

Ya probably. May require some twisting but you’d know if it was glued pretty fast. I’ve never had good experiences with those remake of Duncan vintage yoyos. It’s too bad too, because if they were good it would be so awesome. The wood butterfly @Lido let me borrow was oddly vibey.

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It sounds like this is playing pretty much how it’s supposed to, these have a stupid amount of centre weight. The remake probably should have been called the Classic rather than Tournament.

You can leave it as is and throw it 70s style, check out this video for the technique (1 or 2 throws to setup before smashing out the sleeper hard as you can)

My preferred fix for Tournaments is just to sand down the face. They can lose at least a millimetre from each face and still have a snappy response.


i think i hit the walls with the 1500 when i was getting the axle. i tried 320 but that didnt work so I’m now down to 100 and its starting to respond again. gonna keep at it a bit and maybe i can find that sweet spot

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No idea why I enjoyed that video so much but I did.


After that you can wipe down the walls with a vinegar soaked rag if it still needs more texture. Helps all the tiny flattened fibres to stand upright as they dry and removes finely powdered sawdust that acts like a dry-lube.

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Trying to find a trick for the next big trend after DNA thread. I’m sure I saw something like a palm spin responsive DNA (UFO to palm spin return?) when the Coke team came to town around 1990

Weird, I’ve always found that 8 cards gets a pretty good response. I’ll have to measure the gap on my gates SE, because that thing is sanded glass smooth and responds snappy and consistent.

What string are you using?

not sure, ive put several random non nylon strings i had lying around on it. ive gotten it almost there but i just need a tiny bit more. gonna try nic’s vinegar suggestion, but its getting there

Cotton may be the ticket.

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I love Duncan wood…

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well after working on it til about 2am and somegow getting an impossible knot on my axle i gave up for the night. this morning i cut the string off over coffee and put a new (i think my only other cotton) string on and its working perfectly now, hooray! i can get a few seconds of sleep and its responding so I’m gonna call it mission complete and see about learning to stall, if i can learn to hit this tiny azz gap! thanks for the suggestions


Mystic Tower


Bro! That was so awesome!

Would you be willing to make a quick tutorial for this one if you ever have time?

I think I see what’s going on but I’m not certain which string you’re throwing it into on the last flip.

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Thank you! I’m not sure when I’ll be able to right now, but I will definitely make a tutorial as soon as I can. Until then if you have any more questions, hit me up. For the second Mystic, the yoyo is popped up into the front string segment that is attached to your finger(shown in picture).


This should suffice, honestly.

So it’s like a wrist mount stall>mystic into back string>mystic into the one you’ve pointed out, basically?

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Yeah, that’s it.

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Getting into some Slippery Eel, I might try and do a blacklight video to make the action more visible


Happy Friday!


Popsicle stick gap check


So cool to see @Overtinkering having fun with my silly tricks. Thanks for taking the time to make these.
Also, I’d be shocked if it’s not part of a much better trick by Drew or Ed. If anything I’ve been trying is an original fixie move I’d be so stoked!